[comp.sys.amiga.advocacy] The ULTIMATE wildcard

barrett@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Dan Barrett) (05/14/91)

	To all you complainers about Amiga wildcards:  Is "#?" too hard to
type?  Does "*" have too many conflicting meanings?  Do you secretly yearn
for "*.*" but fear that your friends will hate you?  (Well... I can't help
you with that last one. :-))

	The solution is here!  I have written an input handler called
STAR-NAPALM that makes wildcard typing easier than anything you have EVER
seen before.

	What does it do?  It maps the empty string as the AmigaDOS wildcard
character!  So, whenever you need a wildcard, you don't have to type
ANYTHING AT ALL!  What could be simpler?!?

	I've taken star-naplam.handler, as supplied with BLAZEMONGER MXVIX
(betcha didn't know we used the OS, did you?), and placed it into the Public
Domain.  You can find it on finer ftp sites everywhere.  Just give the empty
string as your login name and password, and the handler will be automatically
downloaded to your Amiga, installed in your L: directory (its filename will
be an empty string, of course), appended to your startup-sequence, and then
run!  The ultimate in convenience.

	As a test to make sure it is working, try the following CLI command:

		1>  dir

As the invisible wildcard expands, it will match every file in the current

	Now, some of you whiners may complain that star-napalm is dangerous.
Well, we built in a special SAFETY FEATURE to prevent unwanted expansions.
If you ever accidentally type just the wildcard by itself:


then star-napalm automatically ignores the command.

	Well, that's it!  No need to thank me -- I've already done it
myself. :-) :-)


| Dan Barrett, Department of Computer Science      Johns Hopkins University |
| INTERNET:   barrett@cs.jhu.edu           |                                |
| COMPUSERVE: >internet:barrett@cs.jhu.edu | UUCP:   barrett@jhunix.UUCP    |