[comp.sys.amiga.advocacy] the recent glut of Amiga-related posts

radel@chopin.udel.edu (Todd Radel) (05/08/91)

Can all the Amiga freaks who've been posting to our already-crowded
newsgroup listen up for just one teensy second?


Now that I've got your attention ... comp.sys.next is intended for the
discussion of NeXT-related issues, not for Amiga owners to post thirty-line
messages that say "Amigas are the best."  You've got a newsgroup for this
sort of thing (comp.sys.amiga.advocacy).  Take it there and leave us alone!

<> Todd Radel				UseNet: radel@chopin.udel.edu	    <>
<> English/Int'l. Relations undergrad   Prodigy: GJDF25C                    <>
<> University of Delaware		KA3QCE				    <>
<>**	"Molag no LIKE core dumps!  Molag EAT core dumps!" -- Chappy      **<>
<>**"There will be so little of that, it isn't even funny." -- The Lizard **<>

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (05/08/91)

In article <17079@chopin.udel.edu> radel@chopin.udel.edu (Todd Radel) writes:
>Can all the Amiga freaks who've been posting to our already-crowded
>newsgroup listen up for just one teensy second?
>Now that I've got your attention ... comp.sys.next is intended for the
>discussion of NeXT-related issues, not for Amiga owners to post thirty-line
>messages that say "Amigas are the best."  You've got a newsgroup for this
>sort of thing (comp.sys.amiga.advocacy).  Take it there and leave us alone!
><> Todd Radel				UseNet: radel@chopin.udel.edu	    <>
><> English/Int'l. Relations undergrad   Prodigy: GJDF25C                    <>
><> University of Delaware		KA3QCE				    <>
><>**	"Molag no LIKE core dumps!  Molag EAT core dumps!" -- Chappy      **<>
><>**"There will be so little of that, it isn't even funny." -- The Lizard **<>

	You should learn a bit more about Usenet before you start
flaming. Someone, i.e. ONE person, cross-posted to both
newsgroups. Everyone else who replied to that post unknowing
posted to both newsgroups. In fact, I didn't notice until you
decided to post your flame. A flame was unnecessary. I have no
desire to make your group as ridiculously crowded and uninformed
as comp.sys.amiga.advocacy usually is. 8-)


	The next time you post, check the line that says
Newsgroups: and if there are two newsgroups in it remove the one
you don't want to post to. It's that simple.
	-- Ethan

"Brain! Brain! What is Brain?"

louie@sayshell.umd.edu (Louis A. Mamakos) (05/08/91)

In article <1991May8.063518.5934@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:
>	You should learn a bit more about Usenet before you start
>flaming. Someone, i.e. ONE person, cross-posted to both
>newsgroups. Everyone else who replied to that post unknowing
>posted to both newsgroups. In fact, I didn't notice until you
>decided to post your flame. A flame was unnecessary. I have no
>desire to make your group as ridiculously crowded and uninformed
>as comp.sys.amiga.advocacy usually is. 8-)
>	The next time you post, check the line that says
>Newsgroups: and if there are two newsgroups in it remove the one
>you don't want to post to. It's that simple.
>	-- Ethan

Exactly.  The fact the one person originally cross-posted an article
to both newsgroups is no reason to legitimize everyone else not
editing the Newsgroups: header line to post their followups to the
appropriate newsgroups.

And I disagree, a FLAME is necessary.  While I used to own and Amiga,
and now I own a next, I really don't care to read any of this stuff in
the comp.sys.next newsgroups.  The volume is heavy enough, and
frankly, we're not interested in Amiga related stuff in the next

Take it where it belongs.  Take responsibility for your postings to
ensure the end up in the correct newsgroups.  Ignorance is no excuse.
If people don't know how the software they use works, perhaps they
should learn.


sck@watson.ibm.com (Scott C. Kennedy) (05/09/91)

As may have already been pointed out, the reason for the flooding of two
newsgroup is our old friend "Cross-posting", I have re-directed this thread 
to /dev/null So, I hope not to see it in the future.

Scott C. Kennedy (sck@watson.ibm.com)     | "All we are saying ...
Distributed High Performance Computing    |  is give peace a chance..." 
I.B.M. Thomas J. Watson Research Facility | John Lennon - Dec. 8, 1980

sparkie@uhura.cs.wisc.edu (Mark Horn) (05/09/91)

No flames intended, but something needs to be cleared up here.  And then  
perhaps we can get back to the business of talking about NeXTs or touting the  
superiority of amigas.

In comp.sys.next article <1991May8.063518.5934@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> you  
> In article <17079@chopin.udel.edu> radel@chopin.udel.edu (Todd Radel) writes:
> >Can all the Amiga freaks who've been posting to our already-crowded
> >newsgroup listen up for just one teensy second?
> >
> >
> >Now that I've got your attention ... comp.sys.next is intended for the
> >discussion of NeXT-related issues, not for Amiga owners to post thirty-line
> >messages that say "Amigas are the best."  You've got a newsgroup for this
> >sort of thing (comp.sys.amiga.advocacy).  Take it there and leave us alone!
> 	You should learn a bit more about Usenet before you start
> flaming.

Perhaps this is true, but you should also read a little bit of news.newusers.   
There is a "Netiquette" article posted periodically.  This article clearly  
states that an article posted to any particular group ought to have something  
to do with the goals of that group.  If it is not obvious, postings which state  
the superiority of amigas do not have anything to do with comp.sys.next - thus  
a user of comp.sys.next can "flame" someone who is not achieving those goals.

> Someone, i.e. ONE person, cross-posted to both
> newsgroups. Everyone else who replied to that post unknowing
> posted to both newsgroups.

That is irrelevant.  The poster of any news article is fully responsible for  
his or her post - which includes making sure that he/she knows where it's  
going.  And anyone following up to a cross posted article can direct the  
article to go to only the appropriate places.  

The point this person is trying to make is that the people who post to  
comp.sys.next (whether cross-posting or not) with posts devoid of anything  
valuable to the general goals of comp.sys.next (or any other group) are wasting  
bandwidth and other people's time - in particular those people who read  

> In fact, I didn't notice until you
> decided to post your flame. A flame was unnecessary.

Not true.  If the "flame" causes the amiga folk who are cross posting,  
intentionally or otherwise, to leave, then it was more than necessary, it was  

> I have no
> desire to make your group as ridiculously crowded and uninformed
> as comp.sys.amiga.advocacy usually is. 8-)

Thank you.  That is appreciated.  However, the point is that if you HAPPEN to  
be making my newsgroup "rediculously crowded and uninformed" (intentionally or  
not), I have the right to tell you to stop.  Your posting seems to suggest  

> 	The next time you post, check the line that says
> Newsgroups: and if there are two newsgroups in it remove the one
> you don't want to post to. It's that simple.

EXACTLY!  You advocate the practice that the original posters ignored -  
checking the newsgroups line.  And a reader of comp.sys.next has every right to  
"flame" anyone who is obviously not fulfilling the goals of comp.sys.next (this  
applies to any other group, too)  

> 	-- Ethan

Again, I don't intend any flames here.  If you wish to state that amigas are  
directly created by the hand of God - by all means do so!  But please do it in  
the group(s) that are more appropriately suited for that.  The newsgroup  
comp.sys.next is not one of them.

- sparkie (Mark Horn)
NeXT Campus Consultant @ U. of Wisconsin, Madison

dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) (05/09/91)

In article <17079@chopin.udel.edu>, Todd Radel writes:

> Can all the Amiga freaks who've been posting to our already-crowded
> newsgroup listen up for just one teensy second?
> Now that I've got your attention ... comp.sys.next is intended for the
> discussion of NeXT-related issues, not for Amiga owners to post thirty-line
> messages that say "Amigas are the best."  You've got a newsgroup for this
> sort of thing (comp.sys.amiga.advocacy).  Take it there and leave us alone!

What a geek!

The NEXT Vs Amiga flamewars have been going on for the past three months,
fired by the arrogant and inquisitive types of the net. Any replies about NEXT
machines are going to be redirected to your newsgroup.

The shit flows both ways, Mr Radel. Get your idiotic NEXT players to stop
posting to Amiga newsgroups, and I'm sure you'll see a marked reduction in

And your side is usually the instigator of the flames anyway.



melling@cs.psu.edu (Michael D Mellinger) (05/10/91)

In article <191d8c10.ARN1dfa@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au> dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) writes:

   The shit flows both ways, Mr Radel. Get your idiotic NEXT players to stop
   posting to Amiga newsgroups, and I'm sure you'll see a marked reduction in

Who started cross posting anyway?  Editing the newsgroups: line is a
quick fix.

   And your side is usually the instigator of the flames anyway.

Actually, I think this all started when someone made a comment about
the NeXT that was completely inaccurate, and it has been continual
since I made that eventful followup.

I don't know about you guys, but now that school is out I want to get
some work done(NeXT hacking, of course) and I can't possible followup
to 12-40 messages a day.

Shall we do this again in 6 months. :-)


dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) (05/11/91)

In article <t-bHeoo@cs.psu.edu>, Michael D Mellinger writes:

> In article <191d8c10.ARN1dfa@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au> dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) writes:
>    The shit flows both ways, Mr Radel. Get your idiotic NEXT players to stop
>    posting to Amiga newsgroups, and I'm sure you'll see a marked reduction in
>    crossposts.
> Who started cross posting anyway?  Editing the newsgroups: line is a
> quick fix.

Yeah, sure, but that's not the point.  Radel comes in here with a rocket for
c.s.a.advocacy, when it's the NEXT mob of ingrates who are the prime
contributor to the problems that c.s.n has with 'crossposting'.  Honestly, if
people took notice of ALL of the mewling about crossposting, heck, there
wouldn't be anything BUT arguments about who is crossposting what to where.

The POINT of my message was the the very people who escalated the entire
shitful argument about poxy NEXT computers were already within the legion of
braindeath that is nomenclaturized as comp.sys.next. It's their fault. Fuck, I
don't want to read the inane shit about whose machine can run a 68040 and who
has better resolution, and who can have the biggest applications. It's not of
interest to the general Amiga community. Let the NEXT flamelords suffer the
slings and arrows of derision that THEY THEMSELVES initiated.

> I don't know about you guys, but now that school is out I want to get
> some work done(NeXT hacking, of course) and I can't possible followup
> to 12-40 messages a day.

Go for it. The less ossified opinionated crap I've got to wade through from
you NEXT freaks, the better!

> Shall we do this again in 6 months. :-)

Oh, I've no doubt that you'll want to prod and poke and get some reaction from
a group that basically doesn't care about your platform of choice.  Your
boring presence will be relegated to bit-buckets around the globe.

Enjoy your ongoing extended vacation in nowheresville.


groenewo@fwi.uva.nl (Ferry van het Groenewoud) (05/13/91)

sparkie@uhura.cs.wisc.edu (Mark Horn) writes:

>No flames intended, but something needs to be cleared up here.  And then  
>perhaps we can get back to the business of talking about NeXTs or touting the  
>superiority of amigas.

>In comp.sys.next article <1991May8.063518.5934@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> you  
>> In article <17079@chopin.udel.edu> radel@chopin.udel.edu (Todd Radel) writes
>> >Can all the Amiga freaks who've been posting to our already-crowded
>> >newsgroup listen up for just one teensy second?
>> >
>> >
>> >Now that I've got your attention ... comp.sys.next is intended for the
>> >discussion of NeXT-related issues, not for Amiga owners to post thirty-line
>> >messages that say "Amigas are the best."  You've got a newsgroup for this
>> >sort of thing (comp.sys.amiga.advocacy).  Take it there and leave us alone!

There is something in your tone that I don't like. Maybe I can find out
what that is.

>> 	You should learn a bit more about Usenet before you start
>> flaming.

>Perhaps this is true, but you should also read a little bit of news.newusers.
>There is a "Netiquette" article posted periodically.  This article clearly  
>states that an article posted to any particular group ought to have something  
...to do with Next computers (?) (unintentionally deleted this line!) claiming
>the superiority of amigas do not have anything to do with comp.sys.next - thus
>a user of comp.sys.next can "flame" someone who is not achieving those goals.

The decision if an article posted to any group has anything to do with
that group is ofcourse subjective and ill defined. It doesn't occur too
much that someone gets told his post doesn't belong somewhere. If people
started to respond publicly on every posting that her or his posting is
out of line, there would be twice as much postings on Usenet. I think the
above flame is way out of line, and the somewhat arrogant tone of it too.

Personally, I think that the - by some persons claimed - superiority of 
Amiga's over NeXT is of interest of NeXT owners very much. A useful
comparision between the computers could come forth from that.

>> Someone, i.e. ONE person, cross-posted to both
>> newsgroups. Everyone else who replied to that post unknowing
>> posted to both newsgroups.

Ah well, nothing wrong with that, is there, the one that posted it to
both csaa and csn had a good reason for it, at least that's my opinion.
So the replies should go to BOTH groups as well so that all parties
involved can read about it. But wait, I believe someone else wants to 
say something about this too! Let's hear it from him:

>That is irrelevant.  The poster of any news article is fully responsible for
>his or her post - which includes making sure that he/she knows where it's  
>going.  And anyone following up to a cross posted article can direct the
>article to go to only the appropriate places.  

Good! Only to the appropriate places! That's just what the ones that
replied did! Or did they crosspost it to alt.tv.muppets as well?

>The point this person is trying to make is that the people who post to  
>comp.sys.next (whether cross-posting or not) with posts devoid of anything  
>valuable to the general goals of c.sys.next (or any other group) are wasting
>bandwidth and other people's time - in particular those people who read  

Oh no let's not begin discussions about this again, like "you know where
killfiles are for?" You know that, don't you? Don't you?! DON'T YOU?!
And oh yeah such a good point about wasting bandwidth, yeah let's all be
careful with stupid articles! What really pisses me off are long articles
of certain individuals that want to get the right on their side by using
all kinds of off-the-subject matters in their articles.

And if you don't want to waste time, my friend, then don't use Usenet
and take a magazine, so that you don't have to be afraid that you
might run into an article that is not of your interest.

>> In fact, I didn't notice until you
>> decided to post your flame. A flame was unnecessary.

>Not true.  If the "flame" causes the amiga folk who are cross posting,  
>intentionally or otherwise, to leave, then it was more than necessary, it was  

You sound like "OH STOP IT PLEASE, IT HURTS TOO MUCH!  M O T H E R !!!"
I wonder why.

>> I have no
>> desire to make your group as ridiculously crowded and uninformed
>> as comp.sys.amiga.advocacy usually is. 8-)

Very funny said, I noticed the smiley. But wait, someone is taking this

>Thank you.  That is appreciated.  However, the point is that if you HAPPEN to  
>be making my newsgroup "rediculously crowded and uninformed" (intentionally or 
>not), I have the right to tell you to stop.  Your posting seems to suggest  

You have the right to tell anyone to stop, but everyone has got the right
to go on if he or she thinks his or her posting should go to a particular
newsgroup. Bad luck to you I guess.

>> 	The next time you post, check the line that says
>> Newsgroups: and if there are two newsgroups in it remove the one
>> you don't want to post to. It's that simple.

>EXACTLY!  You advocate the practice that the original posters ignored -  
>checking the newsgroups line. And a reader of comp.sys.next has every right to
>"flame" anyone who is obviously not fulfilling the goals of c.sys.next (this
>applies to any other group, too)  

Oh aren't we ignorant! Yes yes, your statement applies to csaa as well,
just the same as this posting applies to csn. And who tells who is
ignorant around here? Probably the postings were intended to go to
both csaa and csn. I still can't see the real reason of your flame
although I made up a reason for myself. But I decided to keep that
to myself, but I know that anyone with a little bit of attention will
have noticed what this is all about already.

>> 	-- Ethan

>Again, I don't intend any flames here. If you wish to state that amigas are  
>directly created by the hand of God - by all means do so!  But please do it in
>the group(s) that are more appropriately suited for that.  The newsgroup  
>comp.sys.next is not one of them.

Maybe if you close your eyes, the Amigas will dissapear entirely.

>- sparkie (Mark Horn)
>NeXT Campus Consultant @ U. of Wisconsin, Madison

Mac.   The noise of a wrong calibration.    PS/2.  You can't see the new thing.
IBM.   The toys of a dead generation.       Sun.   You can't feel the beating.
NeXT.  The choice cause of bad information. Atari. You'll need some healing.
Amiga. For boys with real imagination.  __  Amiga. You can reach the ceiling.
                                     __/ /
Ferry van het Groenewoud             \__/  groenewo@fwi.uva.nl  

ddj@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Doug DeJulio) (05/13/91)

In article <1991May12.230031.15898@fwi.uva.nl> groenewo@fwi.uva.nl (Ferry van het Groenewoud) writes:
> Probably the postings were intended to go to both csaa and csn.

I don't think so.  This sort of problem crops up occasionally.  Somone
posts something of genuine interest to both groups.  Then a novice
user wants to post to just one of the groups, and does it by selecting
the "followup" option on their news software.  They figure that if
they edit the subject line, it's the same as a fresh posting.  So,
something only intended for one group ends up going to all of them.

I think this is what happened.  The original crosspost was fine.
*Some* of the followups were fine.  But some of the followups had a
different topic, and had *absolutely* nothing to do with the NeXT.
For a couple of days nobody said anything, and the volume of the
crossposted stuff grew, and grew, and grew.  Some people got short
tempers from this and started flaming vigorously.
Doug DeJulio
dd26+@andrew.cmu.edu (AMS/ATK mail)
ddj@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (NeXT mail)

dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (05/16/91)

In article <t-bHeoo@cs.psu.edu> melling@cs.psu.edu (Michael D Mellinger) writes:
>In article <191d8c10.ARN1dfa@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au> dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) writes:

>   And your side is usually the instigator of the flames anyway.

>Actually, I think this all started when someone made a comment about
>the nExt that was completely inaccurate, and it has been continual
>since I made that eventful followup.

  Yes, mIKE, I have to admit that you are right. I remember; it started when
someone made a comment that was inaccurate about the nExt. I think he said
something about how 'good' it was, or something like that.... :)

>I don't know about you guys, but now that school is out I want to get
>some work done(nExt hacking, of course) and I can't possible followup
>to 12-40 messages a day.

  Well, I am gone tomorrow, so I will have to decide now how I feel about
the nExt. Simple. I would never buy one unless I had a closed circuit
system and bought everyone the same machine. However, if I wanted to buy
something that actually has value, I wouldn't get a nExt. :)

>Shall we do this again in 6 months. :-)


  I will be busy too, working.I won't enjoy it though. What can I say, I
hate Jobs.

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