[comp.sys.amiga.advocacy] Revolution

torrie@cs.stanford.edu (Evan Torrie) (06/27/91)

peter@Sugar.NeoSoft.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

>In article <1991Jun25.053133.671@neon.Stanford.EDU> torrie@cs.stanford.edu (Evan Torrie) writes:
>>   Geez.  I didn't think the CBM Pet, or the C-64 had multitasking.  Guess
>> Commodore screwed up royally on those, huh?

>No argument from me. I'm an old Atari hand (and the Atari 800 operating system
>was in many ways superior to TOS and MS-DOS, though Apple's PRODOS was a bit

  I didn't think the Atari 800 OS had multitasking either :-)

>Sometimes you need a revolution to make progress. Thomas Jefferson believed
>a nation should have a revolution at least every 70 years. Computers need
>more frequent housecleaning.

  I agree.  The Amiga is almost 6 years old.  The Mac is 7 1/2.  Which company
will be the first to bring out their revolutionary replacement?  My money's
on Apple.

Evan Torrie.  Stanford University, Class of 199?       torrie@cs.stanford.edu   
Murphy's Law of Intelism:  Just when you thought Intel had done everything
possible to pervert the course of computer architecture, they bring out the 860