[comp.sys.amiga.advocacy] Unix & Lowell graphic board availability

cosc13va@jetson.uh.edu (Spice, Darrell) (06/29/91)

A friend of mine who owns a 3000 is curious as to weither or not he will be able
to get Unix for it, and if so, how much is it(or will it be.).

He is also interested in when the Lowell graphics board(I believe that it comes
with the 3000UX) will be available for seperate purchase.

Thanx in advance for any info!

])arrell (             University of Houston            // **-Amiga-**
          )pice Jr.      Comp. Sci. Major           \\ //  More BANG for
(713)-682-1766 BBS     COSC13VA@JETSON.UH.EDU        \X/   for the buck!