[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] Complete Amiga 2000 system for sale

whorfin@pixar.uucp (Rick Sayre) (01/24/91)

Complete Amiga 2000 video manglers system.  Everything you need to make video

Amiga 2000 CPU
GVP 40M Hard Drive
GVP Autoboot SCSI controller
Sony 1302 Color Monitor
Flicker Fixer
Amiga 2088 Bridgeboard
    grabs video frames to HAM or higher color res if you have a better
    framebuffer; real-time preview mode for easy focusing and color correction
    on the amiga monitor
Xerox 4020 Color Inkjet Printer
    can use el cheapo food coloring for ink
Xerox Starter kit
    paper, roll handler, transparencies, cleaning equipment, etc.
Two reams of Inkjet paper
Offical Xerox Inkjet Ink
PerfectSound Stereo Audio Digitizer
4-way Parallel Switch Box
2-way RGB Switch Box
RCA Autofocus Video Camera
Buttload o' cables to connect everything together
DeluxePaint II\
PhotoLab       \
Lattice         >  All original software, with manuals
Turbo-C        /
Many public domain programs and utilities
Bunch o' games
RKM Manuals
Rob Peck's Amiga Programming Manual
Rob Peck's AmigaDos Manual

Asking $3000 for the works.

	Rick Sayre
	(415) 236-4000 (work)
	(415) 512-0455 (home)