[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] '030 wanted

anderson@mrcnext.uiuc.edu (Brent James Anderson) (02/21/91)

Will pay $500 for a '030 board running at 25-28MHz supplemented with
68882 and 4 megs ram.  This is almost exactly half of what they are
going for new now-a-days.  If anyone was thinking about selling
to upgrade or otherwise, let me know.  I'm willing to pay a solid 
$500 now (they can only get cheaper).


rrmorris@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Rodney Raym Morrison) (02/23/91)

 I am willing to pay $600 cash right this hour for anyone selling
an 030 board with coprocessor. rrmorris@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu