drues@iastate.edu (Michael E Drues) (02/23/91)
COMPUTER DISKS PC, Macintosh, Amiga, Atari, and others o 3 1/2 inch SONY Floppy Disks (unlabeled) o Double Sided, Double Density o Brand new o Certified o Includes colored labels o Only $8 per box of 10 o Money back guarantee o Ask about quantity discounts o Most orders filled same day o No orders too large or small For additional information or to order, please contact: Mike Drues Internet: drues@iastate.edu Bitnet: v2.med@isumvs.iastate.edu Phone: (515) 233-5652 Sponsored in part by the: Ames Area Amiga Users Group of Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. -- Michael Drues Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Internet:drues@iastate.edu 1146 Veterinary Medicine BITNET:v2.med@isumvs.bitnet Iowa State University Office:(515)294-6520(or 4-1771) Home:(515)233-5652 Ames, Iowa 50011