[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] SEARCHING FOR A PAL JR

al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (Gustavo Cordova Avila) (02/27/91)

  Does anybody have a Pal JR that's willing to part with it?
In case somebody doesn't know, it's a really neat hd case/slot
cage with memory (wow) for the Amiga 1000, been out quite a 
while ago but I never what became of them. Anybody got one?

| Gustavo Cordova Avila		 | Electronics Systems Engineering   |
| pl158305@tecmtyvm.bitnet	 | major, @ Monterrey Tech, Mexico.  |
| al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx	 | I.T.E.S.M. Monterrey, NL, Mexico  |