(David Hopper) (03/06/91)
This is fairly old news ('bout a week), but I haven't seen anyone else mention
it, and it could be important to someone out there.
This is no rumour, but absolute fact, verified by a call to Go Amigo!
They have been bought out by Creative Computers (the goofy one in Amiga
Whirled that shows the guy's family). For most of you, this means nothing,
really, since they are still fielding orders. But for those of us in the
Bay Area, Go Amigo! no longer has a retail showroom to mess around in.
Oh well. Let the mail-order wars rage on. Who needs 'em?
Dave Hopper | /// Anthro/CS Creep | Academic Info Resouces, Stanford
|__ /// | Macincrap/UNIX Consultant
bard@jessica. |\\\/// Wouldn't it be fun |
Stanford.EDU | \XX/ to dose Barb Bush? | All typos/opinions are my own ;-)