[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] Keyboardless A1000 for sale

grh@cbnewsl.att.com (george.r.heuer) (03/22/91)

Well, there have been too many unexpected expenses lately and I need
to raise a few bucks, so with much personal regret, I'm placing my
old, keyboardless A1000 on the market.  This is one of those units
where I was able to upgrade by only turning in the keyboard, but otherwise
the machine is in great shape.  So if you have access to a monitor and
replacement keyboard, or just want another Amiga to hook up to an
existing machine and network, here's your chance.

The package I'm offering includes:
	- A1000 system unit with 512K of memory & internal floppy
	- mouse
	- C Ltd. Timesaver module (battery clock)
	- AmigaDos 1.3 Disks
	- RF Modulator (hook it to the TV)

I'm asking $200 & I'll pay postage with a money order.  If you
are interested, contact:

Randy Heuer
201-386-2322 (days)