[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] Amiga 500, 1Meg, Extra drive and Colour Monitor

x91scott@techno.nepean.uws.EDU.AU (Scott Golby) (04/08/91)

     Hi all, especially those in Australia,
					    Well I've got an Amiga
500 For Sale, after moving to an Amiga 2000.
Ok here's the specs :-
			  Amiga 500
			  501 RAM Exp.  (1Meg total)
			  1011 External Drive
			  1081 Colour Monitor

Ok, it's a WB1.2, has a drive exchange switch installed, which is pretty
good when working on making a Bootable disk that is in df1:  (like a demo
or something).
     Anyway, any questions just ask,  I'm looking for something in the
range of A$1100,  Make a reasonable offer!
	     Scott Golby.
             Computer Science
	     University of Western Sydney, Nepean - Kingswood

x91scott@techno.nepean.uws.EDU.AU (Scott Golby) (04/10/91)

    Hi to those who criticised my original posting, saying that I should
have confined it to Australia.   There are a couple of points I wish toi
make :-
	 1.  If someone from overseas (ie New Zealand) wished to but my
Amiga 500, I think they should be alowed to know about it!
	 2.  We is Australia, put up with postings for American equiptment
which in many cases is incomatable with the Australian standards. (eg
240 Volt power, PAL screens).
      To those that think the price is expencive,  well for the US in US
dollars it probably is.  But in Australia, in Australian dollars it it 
is an average price,  not the cheapest probably, mut not the most expencive.
      Thanks for listening,
			   Scott Golby.