[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] Wanted: chinon a500 non-working drives

chris@kessner.denver.co.us (Chris Hanson) (04/11/91)

  Hi. I'm looking for dead or damaged Chinon/Commodore floppy drives.
Either the a500 style model, or the a2000 style model. I don't feel
like paying a whole lot for them, seeing as they are dead, but I'd like to
try to kludge together one or two working drives from a few non-working
drives. I do know what I am doing in this regard. I alos need spare parts
to repair some other mostly-working chinon drives.
  If you have one (or more!) of these drives that have failed, BUT
THAT HAVE NOT BEEN HACKED ON ALREADY, please leave me mail. If you have
already removed junk from the drive, or attempted to repair it yourself,
I'd rather not bother with trying to work on it.
  Mail address follows, in .sig.
   Chris - Xenon

#define chris Christopher_Eric_Hanson || Lord_Xenon || Kelson_Haldane 
I work, but you don't know who I work for. And I'm not on their machines.
"These are the ravings of an idiot, a deranged idiot."
::I'm chris@kessner.denver.co.us, please.