[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] Rejuvenator SOLD

cassiel@well.sf.ca.us (Paul Theodoropoulos) (05/06/91)

sorry to consume bandwidth for this, but for some reason my mail
to several of the folks who asked about the Rejuvenator keeps getting
bounced back to me.

The fully populated rejuvenator board has been sold.

Also, a word of caution - The GrapeVine Group has misleading ads in
Amigaworld and other publications. Several people quoted me variously
$419 or $469 for a "fully-populated" rejuvenator from The Grapevine
Group, in hopes of talking my price down. I called Grapevine, and 
pressured them on the particulars. What they call fully populated is
a rejuv. with 1 meg of ram and the 1 meg Agnus. nothing else. no 1.3
in ROM. no ECS Denise. That is what they sell for (currently) $479.00 .
Add ROM and ECS Denise, and you are looking at $569. So don't be fooled.