[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] Near-maxed 500 for sale

cyd@milton.u.washington.edu (David Adrian) (05/17/91)

	Sigh.  It's been three wonderful years, but what must be done,
must be done.  So here's the poop:

  For sale:

	Amiga 500 + A501 Clock/Ram
	Fatter Agnus + 1.3 Kickstart ROM installed
	1084 Monitor (one speaker)
	Xetec FastTrack Controller with:
		Two (2) 40 Meg Quantum hard drives
		FastRam card, with 4 Megabytes RAM installed
	Hayes Smartmodem 2400 baud
	Sapphire 68020/881 accelerator card (still under warranty)
	Bigfoot 150 Watt power supply (necessary for all the cards)
	Books:  Amigados manuals, owner's manuals, _The_C_Companion_
	        and laser printed PD Amiga C manual.
	Software:  40 Megs of the best PD/shareware utilities, games,
		  _Imagine_ rendering software, and gobs o' floppies.
	Miscellany:  Data and stereo cables, Wico joystick, mouse, a
		    score of Amiga/BYTE zines, flickermaster screen
		    filter, and a Radio Shack monitor stand.

	This  system cost around $2400 altogether.  I realize that times
change; I don't expect to recover nearly that much.  But while I need to
sell  the  system,  I  can't  afford  to  give  it away.  I'm willing to
separate  a  few  components  (specifically:   one  of  the  drives with
chassis,   the   Sapphire,   and   the   Imagine   software   (including
registration))  _BUT_  I  much  prefer to ship it off as a complete set.
The  best  and quickest offer takes the system.  I will ship it COD.  If
interested,  E-Mail me or call (206) 632-0913 and ask for David.  If I'm
not in, you can talk to my machine and I'll get back to you.  Thanks.