JAGBDED3%PANAM.bitnet@ricevm1.rice.edu (05/26/91)
I hope this is the correct place for this post :). I have a 2000HD for sale. Here are the specs: 2000HD: 1 meg Chip RAM 2 megs Fast Ram 40 meg Quantum 40S 65 meg Seagate 277N 2091 SCSI interface keyboard, mouse, original system software, etc. about 45 megs of quality PD software just about every cool demo there is :) I'd say this system is worth about $1500, but I'm more than willing to listen to resonable offers. Please send mail as I cannot read this group Thanks! Joe Gonzalez JAGBDED3@PANAM (BITNET) jagbded3%panam.bitnet@ricevm1.rice.edu PS This system is about 10 months old