[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] a2000 for sale

dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (04/02/91)


A2000 with 1.3 and spare 1.2 kickstart roms
IBM XT Bridgeboard with internal 5.25 floppy
2 internal 3.5 inch floppies
20 meg Supra hard drive controller w/Quantum
8 meg expansion board with 3 megs ram
1084 color monitor
Panasonic printer

Lattice C, Aztec, IBM Turbo C, IBM Turbo Pascal, Hisoft BASIC

Imagine, Sculpt 4D, Turbo Silver, Pixel 3D, Deluxe Paint III,
Photon Paint 2.0, Videoscape 3D, 3D Demon, Vista Pro, Pixmate, more.

Populous, Power Monger

$2000 or more!  :)

(516)-632-3481 ask for David or leave message.

David Tiberio  SUNY Stony Brook 2-3481  AMIGA  DDD-MEN  
  -- Any students from SUNY Oswego? Please let me know! :)

ee52fat@sdcc3.ucsd.edu (=== Cheapie ===) (05/11/91)

I have a 2000 system for sale:

	A2000 CPU with 1 Meg Fatter Agnus
	2 3.5' floppy drive
	XT beidgeboard /w 1 5.25' floppy drive
	A1804D monitor with flicker master ( anti-glare plastic )
	mouse, keyboard
	GVP Impact Series II SCSI controller with memory expansion
	Quantum 105Q (11ms)
	2 megs of SIMMS installed on the GVP card
	mouse, keyboard.
	WorkBench disk, Extras, AmigaBasic, and all my goodies on HD

The system is about 1 year old and the HD combo is only 3 months old.
I am asking for $2500, but reasonable offers are welcome, too.

George Chen
(619) 452-8238

aawwaa@mixcom.COM (First Inc.) (06/02/91)

Greetings,  I have an Amiga 2000 computer for sale.  It is 9 months old
             -  1 meg Chip ram
             -  880k floppy, KBD, Mouse  (of course)
             -  880k external floppy
             -  original manuals plus Amiga Companion, Inside A/ w/ C,
                                    Amiga hardware reference manual
             -  AmigaVision, and CrossDos software
             -  $975.

     I am also selling:     (also 9 months old)
             -  Xetec FastCard Plus SCSI controller
             -  Can put up to 8 megs of RAM on board
             -  Quantum 52 meg ProDrive
             -  $400
      Mike Deeds          first.inc@mixcom.COM

deraadt@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Theo de Raadt) (06/06/91)

a2000, 4.3 motherboard. 2090a, 1.3 bootroms, 40M st251-1, 1080 monitor,
all including kbd and mouse are in good shape.
$1300 CDN.
Canadian prefered, as it eases things.

SunOS 4.0.3: /usr/include/vm/as.h, Line 44      | Theo de Raadt
SunOS 4.1.1: /usr/include/vm/as.h, Line 49      | deraadt@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Is it a typo? Should the '_'  be an 's'?? :-)   | deraadt@cpsc.ucalgary.ca

aawwaa@mixcom.COM (First Inc.) (06/14/91)

	I have an Amiga 2000 system for sale.  It is 9 months old.
		A2000, KBD, Mouse, 880k floppy, 1 meg Chip RAM      
		Xetec FastCard Plus  SCSI + upto 8 megs RAM in simms
		Quantum 52 meg LPS, 1" high x 3.5" wide hard drive
		external 880k floppy.
		AmigaVision Software
		Amiga Companion CLI book  
		AT&T external 2400 baud modem


	Reply here if interested, Thanks!
		Mike Deeds
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------First, inc.:  norm binger; mike deeds; steve jovanovic--Systems Engineering
Internet:  first.inc@mixcom.COM  ..or..  aawwaa@mixcom.COM 
S-Mail: 1623 W. Wisconsin Ave. Suite 21  Milwaukee, WI(414) 278-0339