[comp.sys.amiga.marketplace] WANTED: Amiga Ref and programing books PLUS

martin@TIGGER.STCLOUD.MSUS.EDU (Jim Martin CBM Amiga Rep at St. Cloud State, MN) (06/24/91)


I am looking for any of the available Amiga Reference series or any other
books to help in the creation of programs for the Amiga Series of computers.
Also i am in the market for a C compiler and an assembler...

I'd prefer SAS but will consider Manx for the "right" price (:-))

The books i am looking for are (if I recall correctly):
		Amiga Libraries and Devices
		Amiga Hardware Reference Manual
		Amiga ROM Kernal Manual (w/ 1.3)
		Programmer's Guide to the Amiga (by Rob Peck)
		Amiga Programmer's Handbook Vol 1 & 2 (by Mortimore)
		Amiga Machine Language (Abacus)
		Amiga Graphics Inside and Out (Abacus)
		Beginning Amiga C (Abacus)
		Advanced Amiga C (Abacus)
		Amiga DOS Manual for 1.2 or 1.3
		Amiga DOS Inside & Out (Abacus)
		Amiga Disk Drives Inside & Out (Abacus)

** Jim Martin          The Amiga CAN do it!!         //// Can that CPM      **
** CBM Student Rep      A3000T (wow) I'll take 2.   //// emulator run on my **
** St. Cloud State, MN                       \\\\  //// Apple ][ emulator on**
**                        PsIgOn MaTrIx       \\\\//// my Mac emulator on my**
** martin@tigger.stcloud.msus.edu              \\\/// Amiga?????????        **