[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] Transformer patch at archives!@

n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu (Duane Fields) (01/31/91)

Ok guys and gals! The patch for Transformer 1.0 is now at the
archives in the incoming/amiga/EMULATORS as TransUtils.lzh
It allows extended memory and enhanced processors...

Have fun! And someone make a patch so it wil run on Transformer 1.2


| Duane Fields              |     Friends don't     |  President, aTmiga club |
| Box 1315                  |    let friends use    |  Fone#   (409) 847-6760 |
| College Station, Tx 77841 |        MS-DOS.        |  n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu |

uzun@pnet01.cts.com (Roger Uzun) (02/01/91)

I know this is a bit ignorant, but what is the ftp path to the

UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!uzun
ARPA: crash!pnet01!uzun@nosc.mil
INET: uzun@pnet01.cts.com