pegram@kira.UUCP (Robert B. Pegram) (02/01/91)
[This is the latest I have heard about the third party TOS roms. I would like to know if they are legal, i.e. developed by two separate groups like the IBM clone Bioses are. One group creates the specs from disassembling the original roms, then the second writes code to the specs, and any similarity between the two sets of roms is because there is no other way to meet the specs. Something like this might well be the solution for legal ST emulators (hardware based) for all versions of Amigas, if Atari refuses to sell you the necessary Roms. - RBPIII] From: (Marten Feldtmann) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: how about an upgrade to 68010 Message-ID: <> Date: 24 Jan 91 09:23:29 GMT References: <> <> Lines: 59 In article <> (Klamer Schutte -- Universiteit Twente) writes: > writes: >>>>and should run about 10% faster. No, that's not realistic. The most you can get is about 3% to 5%. 5% with programs, wich do *much* arithmetic! >There is a different expection/trap format for the both chips. >Tos assumes it is a 68000 and thus will fail. Yes, that's the problem. But one can get here in Germany a patch-program for some money from a magazine called "c't", which reads the built-in TOS and produces a new TOS (one has to burn it into EPROMS of course) working with 68010/20. I did this work with the TOS-1.2. But some people are waiting for the release of a (not official) TOS-version called KAOS-TOS, which is said to work with the 010/020/030 and bases on TOS 1.4. It's said, that it's compatible with ABC GEM 2.2, has no Line-F Code and improvements an the AES and GEMDOS. One can even improve this program by using the KAOS-TOS together with a new programm call NVDI (= new vdi). Results from Quick Index for KAOS and NVDI: TOS text: 286% TOS string 1075% TOS scroll 132% GEM dialog 367% (numbers from 'ST-Computer, 1/91, page 21) NVDI is a commercial program. KAOS was offered to Atari, but Atari-US rejected it. (One can read in our magazines, that Atari-Germany is very interested in this new TOS-version.....) So the developers are still looking for another way to publish it. Some thought of the release via book, with a disk with a patch-program on it........ >Same problem occurs with a 68020 and a 68030. (probably 68040 as well -- >haven't seen any spec's about him). I thought, that the 040 is the first processor, which doesn't support the variable bus-range (8-, 16- or 32-bit), which allows the 020 or 030 to work with a 16-bit architecture like the ST oder Amiga(500/2000). Marten Marten Feldtmann, Kieler Str. 29, W-2300 Kiel 14, Germany, Tel.: +49 431 731916 DNET/EUNET/USENET/SUBNET: Please keep your replies short - I have to pay for them