dtiberio@csserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (02/02/91)
I have two system disks for AMAX!. One has system 4.2 and finder 6.02. The other has system 6.01 and finder 6.02 (or numbers very similar). I have found the option to choose between Finder and MultiFinder, but am unable to use the Multifinder. I have 2.5 megs, and usually use the No $C0000 option. What are the different ram: options? I heard that No $C0000 was faster than the others, etc. I am also wondering how to FTP mac programs from UNIX. Actually, I'd like to know how to FTP amiga programs also. I have the Mac Stuffit 1.x and ZTerm.8, plus the Amiga Handshake 2.12a and VLT (which doesn't work yet). Thanks. David Tiberio SUNY Stony Brook 2-3605 AMIGA Toto Productions
JKT100@psuvm.psu.edu (JKT) (02/03/91)
In article <1991Feb1.234414.14670@sbcs.sunysb.edu>, dtiberio@csserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) says: > > I have two system disks for AMAX!. One has system 4.2 and finder 6.02. The >other has system 6.01 and finder 6.02 (or numbers very similar). I have found >the option to choose between Finder and MultiFinder, but am unable to use >the Multifinder. You need several more files to run Multifinder. One is, of course, "Multifinder." There are several others, including "DA Handler" and all are included in a standard System shipment from Apple, which comes on 4 disks: System Installer, Utilities 1 & 2, and and a LaserWriter disk. I'm running System 6.0.5 and Finder 6.1.5 (which come as a set). >I have 2.5 megs, and usually use the No $C0000 option. What are >the different RAM options? I heard that No $C0000 was faster than the >others, etc. The other options are "1 Meg Standard" and "User Defined." Use the 1 meg option if you intend to use older software that was not written to handle more than 1 Meg of RAM (such programs are few and far between, and I have never had to use this option.) I know of no appreciable speed difference between "User" and "No $C00000"... The most important use for "No $C00000" is to improve software compatibility. Some Mac programs will choke on Chip RAM, and "No $C00000" forces use of only contiguous Fast RAM. "User" allows you to specifically define how much RAM you want to be allocated to the system vs. the A-Max RAM disk. If you have A-Max II and a hard drive, you probably want to use "User" and set all RAM to be usable by the system; RAM disks are not quite as handy if you've got a hard drive, and you will need all the RAM you can find if you'll be running Multifinder; it's a serious memory hog. >I am also wondering how to FTP mac programs from UNIX. Actually, I'd >like to know how to FTP amiga programs also. I have the Mac Stuffit 1.x >and ZTerm.8, plus the Amiga Handshake 2.12a and VLT. Well, I can't give a detailed FTP lesson right here, I'm afraid. There are files you can get from the archives that will walk you through FTP'ing a file. The method is the same for Amiga and Mac files, by the way - it's what you do to them after you get them to your PC that differs. To FTP Mac files, I use the same method as Amiga, including downloading them to my A2000. I then copy them to a floppy, and use the File Transfer program in A-Max (with Translation set to NONE) to get them to the Mac side. Stuffit 1.5.1 (and later) have an option under the "Other" menu to "Decode Binhex file" - this will let you decode the ".hqx" files found at most Mac FTP sites. The resulting file is usually a ".sit" file, which is Stuffit's normal format and is easily dissolved. Hope this helps!! >Thanks. No prob. >David Tiberio SUNY Stony Brook 2-3605 AMIGA Toto Productions Kurt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- || Kurt Tappe (215) 363-9485 || With. Without. And who'll || || 184 W. Valley Hill Rd. || deny it's what the fighting's || || Malvern, PA 19355-2214 || all about? - Pink Floyd || || jkt100@psuvm.psu.edu --------------------------------------|| || jkt100@psuvm.bitnet jkt100%psuvm.bitnet@psuvax1 QLink: KurtTappe || -----------------------------------------------------------------------