[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] Bridgeboard mouse problems

serl@n6vbg.hamavnet.com (02/02/91)

Has anyone had any luck using the mouse with their bridgeboard? I have the
amouse command running on both the Amiga and bridgeboard sides and I have a
couple of programs that use the mouse but I can't seem to get it to work.
Does anyone have any advice or any tips? I must be doing something wrong
and any help would be greatly appreciated.

hjalmar@cbmswe.UUCP (Peter Hjalmarsson) (02/11/91)

In article <1991Feb2.084020.90@n6vbg.hamavnet.com> serl@n6vbg.hamavnet.com writes:
>Has anyone had any luck using the mouse with their bridgeboard? I have the
>amouse command running on both the Amiga and bridgeboard sides and I have a
>couple of programs that use the mouse but I can't seem to get it to work.
>Does anyone have any advice or any tips? I must be doing something wrong
>and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try to run it with the "*** Microsoft ***" string option, as explained in
one of the appendixes of the manual. That takes care of such programs as
Microsoft's that looks for that string in the driver program, just so you'll
have to buy their mouse.

Also be sure to have Janus v2.0, probably available at your dealer.

Peter Hjalmarsson
Amiga Support
Commodore Sweden

alpha@omega.ruhr.de (Rudolf Neuhaus) (02/16/91)

In article <1991Feb2.084020.90@n6vbg.hamavnet.com>, serl@n6vbg.hamavnet.com writes:

> Has anyone had any luck using the mouse with their bridgeboard? I have the
> amouse command running on both the Amiga and bridgeboard sides and I have a
> couple of programs that use the mouse but I can't seem to get it to work.
> Does anyone have any advice or any tips? I must be doing something wrong
> and any help would be greatly appreciated.

You need to switch between the mouse in Amiga-Mode and PC-Mode using
"<left-Amiga>-P". That should work.
 Rudolf Neuhaus         |__o_/  \alpha@omega.ruhr.de
 Kreuzstr. 144          |  \\
 4600 Dortmund 1        |  / \   Voice: +49-231-103703

Greg_Goss@mindlink.UUCP (Greg Goss) (02/16/91)

> serl@n6vbg.hamavnet.com writes:
> Msg-ID: <1991Feb2.084020.90@n6vbg.hamavnet.com>
> Posted: 2 Feb 91 08:40:20 GMT
> Org.  : The Resource BBS (714) 989-4276
> Has anyone had any luck using the mouse with their bridgeboard? I have the
> amouse command running on both the Amiga and bridgeboard sides and I have a
> couple of programs that use the mouse but I can't seem to get it to work.
> Does anyone have any advice or any tips? I must be doing something wrong
> and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Friends of mine run AMOUSE.  It defaults to using the OTHER mouse port (I never
remember whether it's left or right) until you hit an AMIGA-key combination.

Then it works.  I think it's intended so that you can have TWO mice, one for
the Amiga and one for the IBM.  If you use the left (?) port for the AMOUSE,
remember to give the mouse back to the Amiga before switching screens.


griffin@frith.uucp (Danny Griffin) (02/19/91)

Greg_Goss@mindlink.UUCP (Greg Goss) writes:

>> serl@n6vbg.hamavnet.com writes:
>> Has anyone had any luck using the mouse with their bridgeboard? I have the

>Friends of mine run AMOUSE.  It defaults to using the OTHER mouse port (I never
>the Amiga and one for the IBM.  If you use the left (?) port for the AMOUSE,
>remember to give the mouse back to the Amiga before switching screens.

Why?  You can use LAmiga-P any time on any screen.

Dan Griffin