[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] 8 methods to emulate a Z80

srwmpnm@windy.dsir.govt.nz (03/09/91)

Ok folks, here are 8 methods for doing z80 emulation on a 68000, in software.
(Well, 8 methods to get to decode a z80 instruction and get to the right
emulation routine, anyway.)

Trade-offs are speed, space and cleanliness.  They all fall short of
"compiling and optimising", but most of these methods will speed up most
existing emulators.  As you might expect, the largest and dirtiest code is
usually the fastest (and least portable).  The same methods should work with
emulation of 6502, PDP-11 and any other 16-bit processors.

In all methods, I assume there is a 64kb block of memory representing the z80's
address space, allocated by AllocMem (say), and pointed to by "z80ram".

Method 1: The "standard" method:

I call this method "standard" because it's used in both of the CP/M z80
emulators I know about.  The general idea is to decode the current instruction
and jump to the appropriate emulation routine via a vector table.  That is,
like a CASE statement with 256 selections.  The code is clean and re-entrant.

; Setup
	move.l	z80ram,a2		;   load pseudopc
	lea.l	optabl(pc),a1		;   a1 always points to optabl
	lea.l	mloop(pc),a3		;   a3 always points to mloop

; Main loop (decode) starts here
mloop:	moveq	#0,d0			; 4 Execute appropriate subroutine.
	move.b	(a2)+,d0		; 8 Grab the next opcode and inc pc.
	asl	#2,d0			;10 D0 high word is still zero!
	move.l	0(a1,d0.w),a0		;18 Get address of routine from table
	jmp	(a0)			; 8 Do the subroutine.
					;48 total cycles to decode
optabl:	dc.l	nop00,lxib,staxb,inxb,inrb,dcrb,mvib,rlc
	dc.l	...

Each z80 instruction emulation routine ends with:

	jmp	(a3)

Method 2: The "position-independent" method:

This is slightly quicker, the executable is more than 1500 bytes smaller, and
you get another register to play with in the emulator (a1 in this case).  I
currently use this method (or close to it) in my Spectrum emulator.  The code
is clean and re-entrant.

	move.l	z80ram,a2		;   load pseudopc
	lea.l	mloop(pc),a3		;   a3 always points to mloop
mloop:	moveq	#0,d0			; 4 clear opcode word
	move.b	(a2)+,d0		; 8 get opcode byte
	add.w	d0,d0			; 4 2 bytes per entry
	move.w	optabl(pc,d0.w),d0	;14 get offset of routine
	jmp	optabl(pc,d0.w)		;14 do instruction
					;44 total to decode
optabl:	dc.w	nop00-optabl,lxib-optabl,staxb-optabl,inxb-optabl
	dc.w	inrb-optabl,dcrb-optabl,mvib-optabl,rlc-optabl
	dc.w	...

Each instruction emulation routine ends with:

	jmp	(a3)

Method 3: The "decode-at-end-of-instruction" method:

(There are really 2 methods described here.)  Take either method 1 or method 2.
Instead of ending each emulation routine with "jmp (a3)", end each one with a
complete copy of the code from mloop to the indirect jmp.  There is no longer
a main loop, because each instruction jumps directly to the next one.

This method is slightly faster, takes maybe twice as much code, is clean, and
is re-entrant.  It also saves yet another reserved register, in this case a3.
(Personally, I find that a z80 emulator needs as many free registers as you
can get your fingers on.)

Method 4: The "threaded jsr's" method:

Warning: This method uses self-modifying, non-re-entrant code, and therefore
is not recommended.  This code is hazardous to your cache!  (No flames please
--- read on).

Introduce a 390kb contiguous block of code (called thread) which looks like

thread:		jsr	patch	; 0
		jsr	patch	; 1
		jsr	patch	; 65535
		jmp	thread

That is, there is a jsr instruction for each byte in the z80's address space.
This is in addition to z80ram.

To start the emulator, you transfer control to "thread".  What the "patch"
routine does is to replace the current "jsr patch" with "jsr this_routine",
where this_routine is the emulation routine for the corresponding opcode in
z80ram.  Then patch jmps to the this_routine to execute the instruction and to
return to the next jsr in the thread.  After a while, patch will no longer be
called (except by z80 self modifying code), and every jsr made will be to
emulate a z80 opcode directly.

Whenever a z80 instruction writes to RAM, it patches the corresponding
"jsr this_routine" with "jsr patch".  As a variation, it could patch
"jsr this_routine" with "jsr new_routine", but that would probably be slower
in general.


It would be faster than methods 1 to 3, --- I think, --- especially in the
Spectrum emulator, which has to do a lot of work with every write to RAM to
check for ROM and video RAM anyway.  The main reason for the extra speed is
that it no longer has to decode the opcode on every instruction.  There are
the extra overheads of call and return though, and extra work to do on every
RAM write.


1: The code breaks C='s self-modifying code law.  To run on Amiga's with
caches, it would have to either disable the caches or update them manually
after every patch.  The code is extremely dirty, not re-entrant, and
definitely not recommended;

2: You need 390k contiguous memory (plus another 64k somewhere else, plus
whatever else you need for video).

Other characteristics:

Code would run slowly the first time round the loop, then speed up.

Method 5: The "replicated code" method.

Warning: This also uses self-modifying, non-re-entrant code and is therefore
not recommended.

Thread consists of 65536 blocks of code, each long enough to emulate the
trickiest z80 instruction.  Initially it contains 65536 copies of patch.  (You
will need A LOT of contiguous memory.)  What patch does is to actually copy
the code for the opcode over itself, then transfer control to the beginning of
itself.  (Tricky, but it can be done.)  Every emulation routine finishes with
a "bra.s next_instr" so they are all really the same length.  That saves the
call and return overhead.

If an emulation routine is too long, then just use a jmp to somewhere.  In
practice, you would probably start with:

	jsr	patch
	bra.s	next_instr

in every slot, rather than a complete copy of patch.  Z80 RAM writes would
copy the above code to the corresponding slot, if necessary, rather than
copying the whole patch routine.

Short of "compiling and optimising", this is the fastest method I can think of,
but it is incredibly space-wasting, self-modifying, extremely dirty, and
definitely not recommended.

Method 6: The "threaded vector table" method:

Ok, now to fix the self-modifying code problem.  Take method 4 (threaded jsr's),
but use a 262kb vector table in a private data segment, instead of a thread in
the code segment.

vectors:	dc.l	patch	; 0
		dc.l	patch	; 1
		dc.l	patch	; 65535
		dc.l	jmp_thread

The main instruction loop looks like:

		lea.l	vectors,a0
		lea.l	mloop(pc),a2
mloop:		move.l	(a0)+,a1	;12 cycles
		jmp	(a1)		; 8 cycles

and every instruction finishes with "jmp (a2)".  A0 is acting as a "pseudo-pc"
into the vector table.  Of course patch performs the same functions as before
(except it is no longer self modifying, it just patches a vector).  The vector
table still needs to be updated by every write to Z80 RAM.  The code is
re-entrant provided each task has a separate copy of the vector table.

Method 7: The "position-independent threaded vector table" method:

Same as method 6, except that now the private data segment is:

thread:		dc.w	patch-base	; 0
		dc.w	patch-base	; 1
		dc.w	patch-base	; 65535
		dc.w	jmp_thread-base

and the main loop is:

		lea.l	thread,a0
		lea.l	mloop(pc),a1
mloop:		move.w	(a0)+,d0	; 8 cycles
		jmp	base(pc,d0.w)	;14 cycles
patch:		...
op00:		...
op01:		...
jmp_thread:	...

Now it is position-independent, only 128kb contiguous memory, the executable
is 1500 bytes smaller, and it is slightly slower (only by 2 cycles per z80
instruction though).  The code is re-entrant provided each task has a separate
copy of the vector table.

Method 8: The "decode-at-end-of-instruction threaded vector table" method:

Same as method 6 except that every opcode emulation routine finishes with:

		move.l	(a0)+,a1
		jmp	(a1)

instead of "jmp (a2)".  Now isn't that faster?  And it saves a2 for more
important things.

Unfortunately you can't do exactly the same thing to method 7 unless you can
write a complete z80 emulator in 256 bytes  8-) .  But you could take method 7
and end each emulation routine with:

mloop:		move.w	(a0)+,d0
		lea.l	base(pc),a1
		jmp	0(a1,d0.w)

instead.  The code is re-entrant provided each task has a separate copy of
the vector table.

Personally I'm considering using one of the methods 6, 7 or 8 in the next
version of the Spectrum emulator (probably method 8)  (That is, if I ever get
enough spare time without more interesting things to do.)  I'll probably make
the source public domain.  That will use more Amiga RAM, but should go faster
(I hope).  Any guesses as to which method will be the fastest, and still fit
comfortably in a 512k machine?

Unfortunately I don't think any of the methods (except the first 3) are
suitable for an 8088 emulator because of the huge memory requirements.

I'm interested in any ideas anyone might have along these lines.  The
discussion of "compiling and optimising" is very interesting, but I don't see
how the details would work.  In particular, how do you cope with self-modifying
code, code loaders, overlays etc?

Peter McGavin.  (srwmpnm@wnv.dsir.govt.nz)

Disclaimer:  I haven't tested any of the above ideas (except 1 and 2).  If you
see any bugs, point them out.

rjc@wookumz.ai.mit.edu (Ray Cromwell) (03/12/91)

  One method that might help to speed up your emulator is to recode
the spectrum rom into 68000 calls to AmigaDOS. I don't know if the
Spectrum is very i/o bound. For C64 emulators this doesn't provide
much improvement since most C64 programs, even productivety software,
bypasses the rom's. But for CP/M this is a great improvement. Charlie
Gibb's CP/M emulator almost runs at full speed! I'm serious. I have
a C128 with CP/M and my Cp/M emulator usually beats my 128 at
at unsqueezing/libraring programs.

 If IBM programs are I/O bound(they don't hit the hardware) an emulator
could go very fast. Unfortunately, this means writing MS-DOS and BIOS
in 68k code. I have also heard that alot of IBM programs poll
the keyboard, and bang on the serial port hardware directly. This
could be a problem.

srwmpnm@windy.dsir.govt.nz (03/12/91)

Here are 4 more methods for doing z80 instruction decoding on a 68000.  These
methods are all based on fixed-size instruction emulation routines.

There are some general comments, on handling multiple-byte opcodes, writing to
hardware registers, and flag handling, at the end of this post.

These 4 methods are faster than methods 1..3 (see previous post), they do not
have the RAM-write overheads of methods 4..8, and they do not require tables of
opcode routine address offsets.  Some of these methods might be superior to all
previous methods.

In all these methods, each z80 instruction emulation routine is fixed at 256
bytes in length.  (See earlier post by Ian Farquhar.)  They are coded in the
sequence op_80, op_81, ... op_ff, op_00, op_01, ... op_7f.  So there is exactly
64k of code.  If a routine is shorter than 256 bytes, the extra space is
wasted.  If a routine is longer than 256 bytes then it will need a jsr to

Method 9: The "self-modifying fixed-size routine" method:

Warning: Self modifying code follows.

This method is almost the same as in Ian Farquhar's earlier c.s.a.e post.

setup:	lea.l	op_00(pc),a1		; a1 always points to op_00
	move.l	z80ram,a2		; load pseudopc

mloop:	move.b	(a2)+,1$-op_00+4(a1)	;16 patch $ff in jmp instruction, inc pc
1$:	jmp	$ff00(a1)		;10 Jump to routine.
					;26 total cycles

Every instruction emulation routine ends with a copy of mloop, rather than a
jump back to mloop.

The move.b patches the high byte of the offset in the second instruction, so
the jump goes to the right routine.  (1$-op_00+4 might be 1$-op_00+2 --- I
haven't checked.)

The code is extremely fast (maybe the fastest yet), but it does not work on
Amigas with memory caches.

I thought of making it even faster by permanently setting a4 to the address of
the byte to patch, and then using:

mloop:	move.b	(a2)+,(a4)		;12 Patch $ff in jmp instruction, inc pc
	jmp	$ff00(a1)		;10 Jump to routine.
					;22 total cycles

but you run out of reserved registers if there are lots of copies of mloop.
(I.e, you can't use the decode-at-end-of-instruction technique.)  Using
"jmp (a3)" at the end of every routine makes it slower.

Method 10: The "standard fixed-size routine" method:

Now we eliminate self-modifying code.

The main loop is coded into the wasted space at the end of op_ff (so that it is
within 128 bytes of op_00 --- Remember that op_00 is in the middle of the 64k
code block).

setup:	subq.l	#2,sp			; make room for scratch area on stack
	clr.w	(sp)			; low byte of scratch area is always 0
	lea.l	mloop(pc),a3		; a3 always points to mloop
	move.l	z80ram,a2		; load pseudopc

mloop:	move.b	(a2)+,(sp)		;12 Opcode to scratch high byte, inc pc
	move.w	(sp),d0			; 8 high byte is opcode, low byte is 0
	jmp	op_00(pc,d0.w)		;14 Jump to routine.

Each z80 instruction emulation routine ends with:

	jmp	(a3)			;10
					;44 total cycles

Unfortunately it's quite a bit slower.  We can do better...

Method 11: The "decode-at-end-of-instruction fixed-size routine" method:

Register a3 always points to op_00 instead of to mloop, and we have:

setup:	subq.l	#2,sp			; make room for scratch area on stack
	clr.w	(sp)			; low byte of scratch area is always 0
	lea.l	op_00(pc),a3		; a3 always points to op_00
	move.l	z80ram,a2		; load pseudopc

mloop:	move.b	(a2)+,(sp)		;12 Opcode to scratch high byte, inc pc
	move.w	(sp),d0			; 8 high byte is opcode, low byte is 0
	jmp	0(a3,d0.w)		;14 Jump to routine.
					;34 total cycles

Each z80 instruction emulation routine ends with a copy of the decode routine.
This is faster than method 10, and mloop can be coded anywhere.

Can we avoid using scratch memory and still be as fast?  Think about how you
might do this before you read on.  An 8-bit shift of register d0 avoids using
scratch memory, but is slower (on a plain 68000).  The next method shows how to
make the decode faster and avoid using scratch memory, but it (possibly)
introduces overhead elsewhere.

Method 12: The "stretched-address-space fixed-size-routine" method:

This method assumes that the z80 address space (z80ram) is stretched to 128k,
so that each byte in the z80's address space takes up a word in the Amiga.
The low order byte of every word must always be 0.

setup:	move.l	z80ram,a2		; load pseudopc
	lea.l	op_00(pc),a3		; a3 always points to op_00

mloop:	move.w	(a2)+,d0		; 8 Opcode to d0 high byte, inc pc
	jmp	0(a3,d0.w)		;14 Jump to routine.
					;22 total cycles

For best results, every routine ends with the mloop code (decode at end of
instruction).  The instruction decode is faster than method 11, but now many
instructions will have extra work to do to convert byte z80 addresses to word
amiga addresses.  Still, this code looks good enough to try.

Miscellaneous hint #9: To convert a byte offset to a word offset, use
"add.w d0,d0", not "lsl.w #1,d0".

Another miscellaneous hint: Maybe there's a use for movep here.

You could maintain 2 copies of the z80 address space --- one in 64k and the
other in 128k.  Then it's just a simple matter of writing a byte to both places
whenever the z80 does a write.  That gets rid of the overhead of converting
between offset types on memory reads.

But now our method is starting to look like threaded code (method 8) again.
The threaded code method uses the 128k block to store the offset to the
handling routine, rather than storing the opcode itself.  The overhead in doing
a memory write is the same in both methods, and threaded code has other
advantages (like not having to pad code to 256 bytes, multiple-byte opcodes
handled better).  So we're back to threaded code again.

A note on multiple-byte opcode instructions:

The z80 uses these.  They are prefixed with $cb, $dd, $ed and $fd.  There are
also $ddcb and $fdcb prefixed instructions.

For fixed-size methods, (methods 9..12), the fastest way to cope with long
instructions is to use more tables.  But that means multiplying the number of
tables by 5 or 7.  64k of code has just jumped to 320k or 448k.  That's no good
on a small machine.  Also, if you reserve a register to point to op_00 in each
table, that's 5 or 7 registers gone.  Oops.

Some notes on threaded code:

I spent last evening trying threaded code (method 8) in the Spectrum emulator. 
(See previous post.)  I got a 20..40% speed improvement over the position-
independent standard method (256-way CASE statement).  It's still several times
slower than a real Spectrum, unfortunately.  There is some slow code in places
where there wasn't before, so there is scope for more improvement.
Unfortunately I introduced some bugs during the systematic changes, and they
are proving hard to track down.  Everything in the Spectrum ROM seems to work
ok.  Some machine-code programs that worked before have stopped working.

Threaded code is extremely fast for multiple-opcode instructions.  Control is
vectored directly to the right routine first time, without having to decode
multiple tables.  A problem with this is that if a Spectrum program overwrites
the second opcode of a multiple-byte instruction ($cb, $dd, $ed, $fd) without
writing to the first byte, then the emulator doesn't cope.

Note on hardware registers:

Handling writes to hardware registers in the Spectrum isn't really very hard.
The z80 has a separate IO address space with a separate set of instructions for
handling it.  (The same is true of the 8088.)  The only thing to watch for is
writing to video RAM.  It is fixed size and at a fixed place, so it takes 2
tests.  (There doesn't seem to be a faster way of doing a single bit test ---
the video RAM doesn't end on a power-of-2 boundary.)  I have a separate task
(sort of) which uses the blitter to keep the screen up-to-date with the video
RAM.  So when there is a write to video RAM, the emulator task doesn't have to
do much.  It just flags the blitter task "Hey, there's something to update in
character row n, when you wake up".  The blitter task doesn't slow the emulator
down much, because it's mostly running on another processor, and it sleeps when
there's nothing to update.

Some notes on flag handling:

Both of the CP/M emulators I know about spend a lot of time handling z80 flags
(condition codes).  After just about every instruction they do a "move sr,d0"
or "move ccr,d0" or call GetCC() to get the 68000 flags, then they do a table
lookup to translate them to z80 format.  After every logical instruction (not,
or, xor etc), a second table lookup is done to set the z80 parity flag.  (The
68000 does not have a parity flag.)  These table lookups are slow.  In fact,
they often take several times as long as the guts of the instruction itself.

Both these table lookups are totally unnecessary!  It's faster to save the
flags in 68000 format (in a register).  Routines that test flags simply test
the corresponding 68000 flag.  For logical instructions, simply save the parity
byte away somewhere, and set another bit in the register to say to use the
parity byte and not v flag.  The parity testing instructions (e.g, "jp po,nn")
look at that bit, and then test either the v flag or the saved parity byte.
The only times you need to translate flags between z80 and 68000 formats are in
"push af" and "pop af" instructions.

I got a 10..20% speedup in my Spectrum emulator this way.

I said in my previous post that threaded code for 8088 emulation would use too
much memory to be practical.  In fact it would be perfectly practical on an
Amiga equipped with 3 Mbytes or more.

Peter McGavin.   (srwmpnm@wnv.dsir.govt.nz)

srwmpnm@windy.dsir.govt.nz (03/12/91)

>  One method that might help to speed up your emulator is to recode
>the spectrum rom into 68000 calls to AmigaDOS.

Yes, that works extremely well for CP/M and IBM emulators.  But the Spectrum
ROM does not have (many) well defined entry points, which makes that harder
to do.  The emulator has to be prepared for programs that jump in to the ROM
anywhere, or which use any part of it as data.

With threaded code (method 8, 1st post), what needs to be done, at each known
ROM entry point, is to set the vector for that location to point to a
system-call handling routine instead of to an instruction handling routine.
That totally eliminates the overhead required in other methods to check for
system calls.

Most machine-code programs on the Spectrum ignore the ROM and bang on the
hardware to do IO.  Fortunately the Spectrum hardware (keyboard, screen) is
relatively easy to emulate.

I would prefer some sort of automatic compiler to recoding the ROM in 68000 by
hand.  I haven't looked at the ROM code, and I probably shouldn't anyway.

Peter McGavin.   (srwmpnm@wnv.dsir.govt.nz)

Radagast@cup.portal.com (sullivan - segall) (03/13/91)

>Note on hardware registers:
>Handling writes to hardware registers in the Spectrum isn't really very hard.
>The z80 has a separate IO address space with a separate set of instructions fo
>handling it.  (The same is true of the 8088.)  The only thing to watch for is
>writing to video RAM.  It is fixed size and at a fixed place, so it takes 2
>tests.  (There doesn't seem to be a faster way of doing a single bit test ---
>the video RAM doesn't end on a power-of-2 boundary.)  I have a separate task
>(sort of) which uses the blitter to keep the screen up-to-date with the video
>RAM.  So when there is a write to video RAM, the emulator task doesn't have to
>do much.  It just flags the blitter task "Hey, there's something to update in
>character row n, when you wake up".  The blitter task doesn't slow the emulato
>down much, because it's mostly running on another processor, and it sleeps whe
>there's nothing to update.

If video writes are the more rare case (and I imagine they are) use the bit
test even though the memory doesn't end on a bit boundary.  If the bit test
fails you can continue on with your important code quickly.  If it doesn't
fail, you only have the extra overhead of checking whether it is really a 
hit, or only a close call.  

There are many places in an emulator where two checks are faster than one.
When it comes to decoding op-codes, it is usually a good idea to make the 
faster path the same as the manufacturers faster path.  Not neccessarily 
because that is a better design so much as because many programs are 
optimized to use the faster paths more often. 

Worst case emulation time is increased, but over all performance is improved

                           -Sullivan_-_Segall (a.k.a. Radagast)
/V\  E-Credibility:  (n -- ME) The unguaranteed likelyhood that
 '   the electronic mail you are reading is genuine rather than
someone's made up crap.
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