[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] Mac roms on disk

liberato@dri.com (Jimmy Liberato) (03/18/91)

EVERHART@arisia.dnet.ge.com (Glenn Everhart 215 354 7610 
Everhart%Arisia.dnet.ge.com) writes:
>There's a PD application called MACROM which allows one to load mac roms
>off disk...
>...the files [saved on disk] are ordinary (binary) amigados files. 
>The macrom images do NOT contain copies of the mac roms; just the hooks 
>to let them be saved to and used from disk with amax. 

OK, if they are not "images" is it legal for me to possess them?  I have 
the roms but I would like to speed up the loading.  This seems similar
to making a backup of my system disk for my own personal use.

Jimmy Liberato   liberato@dri.com