[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] Transformer--where?howmuch?when?

ia0i+@andrew.cmu.edu (Indu Tara Agarwal) (04/27/91)


I recently went to all the trouble of downloading IBeM from ab20, only to find
out that the program (which everyone seems to praise) doesn't run on 68000
machines.  So I guess I need the "Transformer".  What I would like to know is
where I can get it, what the latest/last version is/was, how much I should
expect to pay, and if the thing is commercial (I get the impression it IS
a commercial product.)??

Also, I would like some idea of it's performance (i.e. what makes it barf,
how reliable it is under most conditions, how slow/fast certain programs are).
Note:  I'm not going to be running games (probably :-) ) just 2 or 3 utilities
for some classes (the profs want such-and-such a format/program).  Any info
good, bad, and ugly is APPRECIATED!!!

Thanks a million in advance!