[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] Amax II problem!

jon@brahms.udel.edu (Jon Deutsch) (05/10/91)

I am running the MAS Basepak (a Mac assembler)
using AmaxII off of a 1Meg A500 with Trumpcard/quantum40.

I was working on a *simple* project and saved it, only
to find that only the top FOUR lines were saved!!!!!

I know of about 10 people using this program on Mac SE's
and Mac II's and they never encountered a problem like this.

The program is written for a Mac Plus, so compatibility isn't
a problem.

Any ideas/suggestions?

       |  |   |\       |>jon@brahms.udel.edu<|  "For my 2 cents,  |
       | \|on |/eutsch |>>-----------------<<|  I'd pay a dollar" |