A_ASENCIO@upr1.upr.clu.edu (Hard Bytes Amiga User Group) (05/13/91)
Here are some tests from software I lend from the Computer Lab I work, in the ATonce V1.28, as note, this one has VGA and EGA in monocrome, I running it in a 1MB system with 640K configuration. Microcap V4.86: Works O.K. Wordstar: Can't make it print. PW: Can't search well from both disk drives, needs to be run in one only. Strange behavior with the colors, but better performance (speed) since last ATonce version. Print Master: Works O.K. Micrologic: Mouse move faster than older version of ATonce. Works O.K. Flow 2.43: Great and fast mouse interface. MASM: LINK: Code View: Works Swell, except whe trying to read from a different drive than the one the program were. EM87: Loaded, aparently working. FastBack: Loaded, but haven't diskdrive to prove it. Slow updating menus. Power Menu: Works O.K. Harvard Graphics: A beatiful black screen, is working, because responde to the commands, but displays nothing. Windows: Same than H.G. Procomm: Works if I move the mouse to COM2 and turn on the RS232. Problems with Kermit. PCtools: Works O.K. Zaxxon: Works very fast for being a arcade game with XT sounds. Battle Chess: 4 colors (as Zaxxon) but horrible sound. This are all the programs I proved in ATonce. Angel// \X/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Asencio// Computer Engineering Student \X/ University of Puerto Rico 802360644%rumac%upr1.upr.clu.edu Mayaguez Campus A_ASENCIO%upr1.upr.clu.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------- ******* Amiga, it's not just a computer, it's THE COMPUTER *******