rajah@soda.berkeley.edu (Raja S Kushalnagar) (05/15/91)
Now that System 7.0 for the Mac is out, has anyone verified whether it works for Amax II or not? According to Kurt Tappe, in his FAQ, he said the beta versions didn't work. Maybe the golden version of 7.0 will work? If it doesn;t ... how soon can we expect ReadySoft to come out with an upgrade compatiable with 7.0? (though I think 7.0 is not really worth the hassle to upgrade to, at the present stage (truetype, multifinder, etc are there, and we can't use VM anyway). But in the future, 7.0 is bound to become a de-facto standard and subsequent software may not work on even 6.0.5.... Ah well. BTW, I am still interested in putting my mac drive inside my A2000, in the df1: slot. An obvious, but ugly kludge would be to lead around the mac wire through a slot at the back. I noticed ppl mentioning a hack that allowed you to directly use a mac disk with an Amiga disk port (or the disk port wires inside my amiga, which is more or less the same thing). My question is this: Will a hacked on mac drive be recognized by Amax? Raja. Disclaimer: No posting can ever be more accurate than h bar over two pi? (Don'tcha love applying physics laws to philosophy to get meaningless results ... though Kurt Goedels seems to have done it succesfully ....)