[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] IBeM.... Does it work?

jc72s293@instem.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) (05/17/91)

Well, I am going to aquire a Amiga 3000 16/50, and am a little shakey about
selling my XT bridgeboard.  I was wondering what the requirments to run this
program are?  Do most software programs run?  What type of IBM does it
emulate, and at what speed?  I would appreciate any help.

\c1Jeff Chmielewski

drysdale@cbmvax.commodore.com (Scott Drysdale) (05/18/91)

In article <jc72s293.4058@instem.UUCP> jc72s293@instem.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:
>Well, I am going to aquire a Amiga 3000 16/50, and am a little shakey about
>selling my XT bridgeboard.  I was wondering what the requirments to run this
>program are?  Do most software programs run?  What type of IBM does it
>emulate, and at what speed?  I would appreciate any help.

let me get this straight - you're about to buy an A3000, but you already have
a bridgeboard - but you don't know what the bridgeboard does.  hmm.

the A2088 (XT bridgeboard) is a pc clone on a card with a 4.77mhz 8088, 512K
of ram, CGA display emulation, MDA display emulation, keyboard emulation,
hard drive emulation (if your amiga has a hard drive), printer port emulation,
and a low-density floppy controller.

anything that'll run on a normal XT clone with CGA should work on it.
exceptions are things that use IRQ3 (hardware - INT 0B for software), or
depend on having COM2 available (you can't put a COM2 board in the machine),
or require a "protection dongle" on the parallel port.  the emulation isn't
good enough for those things.

>\c1Jeff Chmielewski

Scott Drysdale           Software Engineer
Commodore Amiga Inc.     UUCP {allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!drysdale
		         PHONE - yes.
"Have you hugged your hog today?"

chem194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz (John Davis) (05/18/91)

In article <jc72s293.4058@instem.UUCP>, jc72s293@instem.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:
> Well, I am going to aquire a Amiga 3000 16/50, and am a little shakey about
> selling my XT bridgeboard.  I was wondering what the requirments to run this
> program are?  Do most software programs run?  What type of IBM does it
> emulate, and at what speed?  I would appreciate any help.

IBeM emulates a basic XT with CGA, and (if you run the current 030 version)
requires >1mb of contiguous memory (i.e. either 2mb of chip ram, or else
2mb+ of fast mem).

On a 25mhz 030 IBeM is actually a little bit faster than the 4.77Mhz
bridgeboard. On a 16mhz 030, I'd expect there to be very little in it.

Of course, the Bridgeboard has a far higher level of compatibility
(like you can plug cards in!), and doesn't load down the Amiga CPU,
but if you only need to run the occasional PC program IBeM is worth
it - it's compatibility is pretty good (WordPerfect 5.1, Indy 500,
Fligh Sim 4.0 all run ok).

In the end it depends on how much pc software you run, and how much
you can get for your bridgeboard - if you're only going to get a 
couple of hundred for it it's probably easier to just hang onto it
(presuming that the bridgeboard does work in the 3000 - weren't there
problems using it?).

| o      John Davis - CHEM194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz       o |
| o    (Depart)mental Programmer,Chemistry Department    o |
| o  University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand o |