[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] Multifinder under 6.0.5 and 6.0.7

andrewsr@romulus.rutgers.edu (Rich Andrews) (05/26/91)

Hello All!

Someone asked a question about whether or not Multifinder will work on
A-MAxII.  I have been using Multifinder for quite a while without a
problem.  However the setup I use is half 6.0.5 and half 6.0.7.  I am
also running A-MaxII v 2.06 on a 10Mb amiga 3000 with a partition on
the hard drive and a mac drive.

I use System and Finder from 6.0.5 and Multifinder from 6.0.7.  Try

  // Rich    | "If I spent as much time on my classes as I do reading
\X/  Andrews |  news, I'd graduate."  - Brett McCoy

buffa@yeu.inria.fr (Michel Buffa) (05/27/91)

In article <May.>, andrewsr@romulus.rutgers.edu (Rich Andrews) writes:
> Hello All!
> Someone asked a question about whether or not Multifinder will work on
> A-MAxII.  I have been using Multifinder for quite a while without a
> problem.  However the setup I use is half 6.0.5 and half 6.0.7.  I am
> also running A-MaxII v 2.06 on a 10Mb amiga 3000 with a partition on
> the hard drive and a mac drive.
> I use System and Finder from 6.0.5 and Multifinder from 6.0.7.  Try
> it.
> -Rich
> -- 

Some questions:

1) Why do you use multifinder from 6.07 ? I use multifinder from 6.05 and never
managed to initialize a floppy disk under multifinder ! Is it because I use
multifinder 6.05 or because I don't use AMAX II V 2.06 ?

2) What is the difference between AMAX II 2.01 and 2.06 ? I know that a bug
about the RAM management has been fixed, but what else ?

3) What printer do you use. An epson compatible or an imagewriter II. I can
print only with AMAX II 2.02, but with 2.01 often the printing is full of
trash ? I use an Imagewriter II.

Michel Buffa:       Projet Robotvis, INRIA, France

    Internet:       buffa@sardaigne.inria.fr
Surface Mail:       Michel BUFFA, INRIA - Sophia Antipolis, 
                    2004, route des Lucioles, 06565 Valbonne Cedex -- FRANCE
 Voice phone:       (33), Fax: (33) 93 65 77 65

andrewsr@u2.rutgers.edu (Rich Andrews) (05/29/91)

In article <11469@mirsa.inria.fr> buffa@yeu.inria.fr (Michel Buffa) writes:

> 1) Why do you use multifinder from 6.07 ? I use multifinder from 6.05 and never
> managed to initialize a floppy disk under multifinder ! Is it because I use
> multifinder 6.05 or because I don't use AMAX II V 2.06 ?

I use the multifinder from 6.0.7 since I have had numerous problems
with 6.0.5.
> 2) What is the difference between AMAX II 2.01 and 2.06 ? I know that a bug
> about the RAM management has been fixed, but what else ?

Don't rightly know.  2.02 would not run on my 3000, 2.06 seems ok.  I
don't have audio anymore and don't know why at the moment (not a high
priority at the moment).

> 3) What printer do you use. An epson compatible or an imagewriter II. I can
> print only with AMAX II 2.02, but with 2.01 often the printing is full of
> trash ? I use an Imagewriter II.

I farm all my printing to another site.  (Ie, I don't use a printer
directly from A-Max).

  // Rich    | "Truth is disputable; not taste."  - Hume
\X/  Andrews | "180 degrees from sick is still sick" - J. Bradshaw