[comp.sys.amiga.emulations] Who Wrote Gameboy or Toyboy Emulator

hjolly@hydra.unm.edu (06/12/91)

>>But, could you tell me who orignally wrote it and an
>>email address for him/her.

>I don't remember.  Explain what you heard from me on
>comp.sys.amiga.emulations and ask who the author is and that you are
>curious about a couple things.  There was quite a fuss on .emulations
>awhile back about this program.  Someone will know.

>As it turns out, the thing is some sort of Z-80 emulator.  It might
>even be some sort of CP/M emulator.  It really isn't a gameboy

Does any body out there know how to contact the person or persons
that wrote the toyboy or Gameboy Emulator.

                                             Thanks All,