[comp.sys.amiga.datacomm] Forming a Global BBS List.

Marc_North@mindlink.UUCP (Marc North) (03/07/91)


        I am forming a global list of BBS's. All computer types, all countries,
        Please e-mail your list of BBS's that you call. All I ask is that you
be reasonably sure that the ones you list are still active. Where possible
include modem speed range, city, state/province, country, and of course the
BBS's name and phone number (WITH area code!)

        I am doing this as a project, and any final list will be available via
FTP in the near future.

        Reach DEEP into the BBS well, pull out the obscure, the strange, the
oddballs as well as the slick mainstream ones. Don't worry about being
repetitive, I'll weed out the duplicate submissions. Please be accurate.

        Thank you very much,
                        Marc North


* Marc North                 * "For the final consummation and for me *
* c/o ULYSSES Systems Corp.  *  to feel less lonely, my last wish was *
* 225 - 810 West Broadway    *  that there should be a crowd of spec- *
* Vancouver, B.C.            *  tators at my execution and that they  *
* V5Z 4C9                    *  should greet me with cries of hatred."*
* (604) 731-3575   (data)    *     -Albert Camus,    "The Outsider"   *