[comp.sys.amiga.datacomm] JRComm 1.01 Upload problem...

x91scott@techno.nepean.uws.EDU.AU (Scott Golby) (03/14/91)

Hi Everyone, I'm using JRComm v1.01 and am having problems uploading
I know the mannual said not to say as a question  'It Won't upload'
without other info. but what else can I say?
     It will Download fine, I've tried different protocols and 
checked that I've used the same at each end.
When I go to Upload it often uploads 1k and stops...  Other times
it uploads a random amout 5k, 30k what ever then Stops, locks the
machine up and works no more.  My protocol of choice is XModem 1K
and would like to stick to it if possible.
     Any Idea's???   Anyone had the same problem???
Thanks in Advance, Scott Golby
		   University of Western Sydney