[comp.sys.amiga.datacomm] VLT queries

Duncan.Lewis@bbs.acs.unc.edu (Duncan Lewis) (04/10/91)

First off, my hat's off to Willy Langveld (sp?) and the crew who made
VLT a reality. Excellent term program, does everything I want.
almost... anyways, clap cheer, clap etc..

Now my questions.
1) I use VLTjr in workbench mode(interlace) and want it to open to a
custom window size (80 columns and Xlines) Is there a way to set this or
must I reset the window everytime I run the program?

2) I am using the latest XPRZ from ab20 (dated Feb 91) and was d/l'ing
a couple of files, but to my dismay the zmodem window never closed at EOF.
I hit return calmly and it went away but I though this  was an odd feature/bug

3) Also with the XPRZ, the file is "empty" until it is complete.  Is there
any way to do a partial d/l and not have an "empty" file?

4) Now my most important question is with the script capabilites.
If someone has a vlt script solution please tell me.  I ordered Arexxi
yesterday and hope to see it a week or so. But a solution in the pre-one week
window would be great.

here's the problem.
I would like to leave my term program running when I turn in so it will
dialup my unix box and instruct the box from shell to fttp files and then
sz them to me. then logoff when it is done.  I'd like to do it at 4am when 
there not much net-traffic.
The way I'd like to do it is have the script running at all times BUT it
should read a file named "wanted" on my home disk which is in the
following format.

so then at any given day I could just edit the "wanted" file and
itwill d/l the files unattended.

any help would be appreciated, even a rexx script so I can be up and
running immediately.

that's about it, GREAT program, between Jr-comm and VLT there isnt a need
for anything else.

	Extended Bulletin Board Service, Research & Development
Office of Information Technology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
	      internet: bbs.acs.unc.edu or


Duncan -
        Here are some answers to your questions.
1. In order to start up VLT with a preset window size, use the command:
   VLT -b +c "window 0 10 500 150; activate V"
   or make an alias for this, or if you're running from the Workbench,
   use ToolTypes -b and +c=window....
   The -b starts VLT in the background (no window) and the +c executes
   the two commands specified. The window command opens the window in the
   specified location and size, and the activate V command opens the window.
2. That the transfer status window doesn't go away after a download is
   feature. All VLT message windows require positive action to go away. In
   this case you might not be at your terminal when the transfer stopped and
   you might want to know if it went okay. Any action (typing a key, clicking
   the mouse etc.) will do. Keypresses are even remembered and entered as if
   the window wasn't there.
3. That with xprzmodem the file shows up as empty during the download is the
   proper behavior - all new files that are being written to show up as
   empty until they are closed. This is normal. When the file is closed, the
   proper current size will show, and aborted transfers can be resumed with
   xprzmodem just fine.
4. A program like you suggest (opening a file and reading various places to
   call etc.) can be written straightforwardly in ARexx, but to take care
   of various error conditions it would probably take a little while to get
   it right. I will therefore leave this as an exercise, or to some kind
   soul who may already have something similar (I myself don't use automated
   scripts much).

Willy Langeveld - Bitnet: WGLP09 @ SLACVM - BIX: langeveld