[comp.sys.amiga.datacomm] HELP!! Getting a BBS and the Modem Working

slmt9@cc.usu.edu (05/02/91)

	Hello to all the netters out there in netland. Anyway to get serious
for a moment I need some help. 

	Anyway the question is this. I am trying to set up a BBS here for the
local amiga users. I have gotten both the TagBBS and the EliteBBS. But have 
had problems with both of them. I got the farthest with the TagBBS. For those 
of you that don't know what this is it is a BBS system that was written in '86
I think, it is simple but that is all that I am looking for. Anyway when people
try to login to my system they get the Connect 1200 message but then the BBS
never gives them a login prompt. No matter what they type nothing ever goes 
across back to them.

	Now the big question: Is there a dip switch that needs to be set a
certain way on the modem for the BBS to be able to answer and let them login?
Can Anyone offer any help at all?


p.s. even if you only have some thoughts or hints then please let me know!!!!