[comp.sys.amiga.datacomm] AS225 software bugs and quirks

jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu (Jim Wright) (06/02/91)

This is not a definitive list, and I won't even remember everything
I've come across.  But it should be enough to get the ball rolling.

First off, AS225 is great.  I will never use PCNFS in a PC while I have my
Amiga and AS225.  With a little polish, this could get the Amiga into a lot
of previously locked doors.  This is posted in the hopes of making a good
thing better, and avoiding needless duplication of effort among users.

* ftp may die when connecting to a site with a long welcome message

* programmer's libraries not yet available, or at least not bundled with
  the AS225 package

* my backup script which used to work with the beta AS225 quit working with
  the release version.  the essence of the script (run on a unix w/s) is:
      remsh amiga tar cf - dh0: dh1: dh2: dh3: | write_to_unix_tape_drive

* the -t option for rloginvt (use telnet protocol and VT100 terminal emulation
  for the remote connection) did not work in the beta version.  this seems
  to have been eliminated from the release version.

* for the first time in a year, I have been getting gurus.  I just now
  tried "remsh amiga ls" and it replied "rcmd: primary connection shut down"
  I tried it a second time and got a guru #81000009.265F48F1.  my normal
  array of startup-sequence goodies has not changed in a long time except
  for the new AS225.

* no print spooling yet.  I'd have a go at an LPR: device if the
  programmer's libraries were out.

I am running an A2000, A2063, A2052, A2088, A2065, plus a couple of other
boards.  Version reports Kickstart 34.5 and Workbench 34.28.

Unfortunately, for my uses I have found the beta software to be more stable
than the release version.  (Oh yeah, my 1084 also blew up, but I won't
blame that on the AS225 software. :-)

Jim Wright
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp.