clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) (06/19/91)
Hi, I was using JR-Comm v1.02 the other day (nice term. BTW!) and I noticed that when I use auto/dl the dates of the files are screwed up, sometimes by years! Do I have a bum copy or is this a known problem or what? -- Craig Lemon - Kitchener, Ontario. Amiga B2000 UUCPv1.13D. clemon@lemsys.UUCP lemsys! | Please Mail any binaries xenitec!lemsys! | to 'files' at this site ..!uunet!watmath!xenitec!lemsys!clemon | instead of 'clemon'
jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) (06/23/91)
clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) writes: > Hi, I was using JR-Comm v1.02 the other day (nice term. BTW!) and I >noticed that when I use auto/dl the dates of the files are screwed up, >sometimes by years! Do I have a bum copy or is this a known problem or >what? Some systems send brain damaged datestamps. You can bypass that by setting the GMT offset to "13" so that the created date is always used. -jack-
clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) (06/27/91)
In article <1491@faatcrl.UUCP> jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) writes: >clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) writes: > > >> Hi, I was using JR-Comm v1.02 the other day (nice term. BTW!) and I >>noticed that when I use auto/dl the dates of the files are screwed up, >>sometimes by years! Do I have a bum copy or is this a known problem or >>what? > > Some systems send brain damaged datestamps. You can bypass that by setting >the GMT offset to "13" so that the created date is always used. > > -jack- Well, today (see header date) it showed that all the files I downloaded were created on Jul 12, 1983. When I took a close look at my dl directory, Quite a few of them were. I fixed todays files by resetting the datestamp. Could you elaborate on your comment about "some systems send brain damaged datestamps". My machine is at fault? It never did this before until v1.02. Also, GMT+13 = EDT (EST whatever)? How will that fix a date reading 1983? -- Craig Lemon - Kitchener, Ontario. Amiga B2000 UUCPv1.13D. clemon@lemsys.UUCP lemsys! | Please Mail any binaries xenitec!lemsys! | to 'files' at this site ..!uunet!watmath!xenitec!lemsys!clemon | instead of 'clemon'
jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) (06/30/91)
clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) writes: > Well, today (see header date) it showed that all the files I >downloaded were created on Jul 12, 1983. When I took a close look at my dl >directory, Quite a few of them were. I fixed todays files by resetting the >datestamp. > Could you elaborate on your comment about "some systems send brain >damaged datestamps". My machine is at fault? It never did this before >until v1.02. Also, GMT+13 = EDT (EST whatever)? How will that fix a date >reading 1983? Actually, before 1.02, the datestamp function was partially broke. It wasn't modifying the date on certain devices properly, so the local creation date was always used, not the ZMODEM supplied datestamp from the transfer. The ZMODEM datestamp is in octal, and represents the UNIX beginning of time in seconds from 1/1/72, which has to be changed to the Amiga's 1/1/78 idea of time. Also, the timezone is taken into account with the sender subtracting GMT and the receiver adding GMT offsets so that the datestamp reflects the real time that it was created. Some systems, or I should say, some versions of ZMODEM screw the datestamp to hell. Now that JR-Comm is handling all datestamps properly, we're seeing really weird dates come up. So, what I did was add a GMT 13 which doesn't exist. If JR-Comm is set to that value, it will bypass the function that modifies the datestamp to the recieved time so that only the created date is used. Hope this clears it up some. -jack-