[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] Multiple Line String Gadgets

stewartw@cognos.UUCP (Stewart Winter) (01/10/91)

Since as near as I can figure out 1.3 doesn't support string
gadgets of more than one line, can anyone suggest a good source
(either in ModulaII, C or C++) for how best to construct a
multiple line string gadget (simple word wrapping, delete and

  I will summarize any mail I get.

Stewart Winter               Cognos Incorporated   S-mail: P.O. Box 9707
VOICE: (613) 738-1338 x3830  FAX: (613) 738-0002           3755 Riverside Drive
UUCP: stewartw%cognos.uucp@ccs.carleton.ca                 Ottawa, Ontario
The bird of the day is .... Fire Finch                     CANADA  K1G 3Z4