[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] how to sample ?

jgllgher@vax1.tcd.ie (01/29/91)

	   I've just acquired a sampler for my amiga which connects to the
parallel port and seems to conform to the standard for such devices (i.e. it
works with AudioMaster.).I would like to write some software to perform some 
real-time effects.I attempted to write a program which would just monitor the 
sampler i.e. it just fed the incoming samples to paula's AUD0DAT register.Since
I was only guessing at how the samples are read in,I was'nt really surprised 
when the program did'nt work.

Could anyone give me a few hints on how you're supposed to read in the sample

Also the sampler is stereo.I have no idea how this is this handled.

Also the when writing directly to the audio-data registers in paula,what values
should you put, for example, in the audio-period registers ? Does it matter ?

Since two samples are loaded into the audio-data registers at a time, how long
is there between the output of the first and second sample ? Am I missing out
on something very basic here?

Any suggestions or answers to any of the above would be much appreciated.Any
code examples would be even more welcome.I hope to write some fairly
comprehensive effects software but I can't even start without this basic

Dara Gallagher : jgllgher@vax1.tcd.ie