[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] Aztec C 5.0d w/ 2.0 includes. Char vs. UBYTE

bartz@elbereth.rutgers.edu (Edward Bartz) (02/20/91)

	I have noticed something rather strange, in changing over from
5.0a with 1.3 includes to 5.0d with 2.0 includes.  Many system
routines that formerly expected (Char *) parameters now expect
(UBYTE *) parameters.  While this is a small difference requireing
type casting, it is a pain to change all my source code.  Is this a 
perminent change (either bye manx or commodore), or is this just a 
temporary screw up by Manx, to be corrected in the next update?  
	On a similar note, I notice that source code written by other
people (that use FileLocks) declare variables of the form
struct FileLock * fl;. And then, pass then to Lock,Unlock,etc.  In
Manx, these routines have always been BPTR's.  While I understand,
that these routines expect BPTR's, it seem that other compiliers
(SAS I assume) either declare file lock ptr's as BPTR's or
automatically convert during compiling.  What's the story?

						Ed Bartz

    UUCP: bartz@elbereth.uucp 
    BITNET: bartz@rutphy.bitnet
    USSnail: 12 Roosevelt St. South River, NJ 08882

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (02/21/91)

In article <Feb.> bartz@elbereth.rutgers.edu (Edward Bartz) writes:
>	I have noticed something rather strange, in changing over from
>5.0a with 1.3 includes to 5.0d with 2.0 includes.  Many system
>routines that formerly expected (Char *) parameters now expect
>(UBYTE *) parameters.  While this is a small difference requireing
>type casting, it is a pain to change all my source code.  Is this a 
>perminent change (either bye manx or commodore), or is this just a 
>temporary screw up by Manx, to be corrected in the next update?  

	No we did it (though perhaps we should have made them BYTE *'s).

>	On a similar note, I notice that source code written by other
>people (that use FileLocks) declare variables of the form
>struct FileLock * fl;. And then, pass then to Lock,Unlock,etc.  In
>Manx, these routines have always been BPTR's.  While I understand,
>that these routines expect BPTR's, it seem that other compiliers
>(SAS I assume) either declare file lock ptr's as BPTR's or
>automatically convert during compiling.  What's the story?

	Always has been BPTR, anyone who uses FileLock * is setting 
themselves up for a nasty suprise.

Randell Jesup, Keeper of AmigaDos, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
The compiler runs
Like a swift-flowing river
I wait in silence.  (From "The Zen of Programming")  ;-)

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (02/22/91)

In article <2169@fornax.UUCP> laughlin@lccr.UUCP (Bob Laughlin) writes:
>In article <19176@cbmvax.commodore.com> jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) writes:
>>	Always has been BPTR, anyone who uses FileLock * is setting 
>>themselves up for a nasty suprise.
>    Then why do the Autodocs have things like,
>struct FileLock *DupLock (struct FileLock *lock) ;
>when they document dos functions? I thought Manx was just being lazy
>in calling all dos pointers BPTR's. 

	Because the people who wrote it were used to programming in BCPL.
It's been fixed.

Randell Jesup, Keeper of AmigaDos, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
The compiler runs
Like a swift-flowing river
I wait in silence.  (From "The Zen of Programming")  ;-)

peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) (02/23/91)

In article <1991Feb22.175826.26009@jato.jpl.nasa.gov> jdickson@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Jeff Dickson) writes:
>	In 'C', a lock must be declared as a struct FileLock, less you could
>not dereference its fields!

The AmigaDOS functions return BPTR's to FileLock structures, not
pointers to FileLock structures.  I wouldn't recommend pretending
that they return struct FileLock *.  Dereferencing that will be
nothing but trouble.  I don't think there's much in a FileLock structure
you should read, anyways.

     Peter Cherna, Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
     {uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!peter    peter@cbmvax.commodore.com
My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer.
"Oh, PIN-compatible!  I thought you wanted me to make it IN-compatible!"

bartz@elbereth.rutgers.edu (Edward Bartz) (02/25/91)

[peter@cbmvax.commodore.com writes]
>nothing but trouble.  I don't think there's much in a FileLock structure
>you should read, anyways.

>     Peter

Try writing a file system without getting inside FileLocks.   :-}

The answer to my FileLock question seems to be two parts.  One, the
autodocs were written in a confusing way.  Which still seems to the
case, since my copy of the 2.0 includes does the same thing, noting
that it is a BCPL pointer only at the end.  Second, many people were
caught by this, but it didn't always matter.  If you acquire a lock,
and do nothing but pass it on to other routines (written correctly),
it doesn't matter what you call it, the program is confusing, but
functional.  When I first start playing with this stuff, I made the
mistake, but took it a step further.  I filed in filelocks as c 
pointers.  The strange thing was, it seemed to work.  The program 
didn't crash, and seemed to work (since I wasn't sure at that time
how things should work, any wierd responses I got seemed only to
because the code wasn't yet complete).  Now that I have this bit
of confusion filled in, I know how to handle other peoples code.
							Ed Bartz

    UUCP: bartz@elbereth.uucp 
    BITNET: bartz@rutphy.bitnet
    USSnail: 12 Roosevelt St. South River, NJ 08882