[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] Video Toaster programming question

amgreene@athena.mit.edu (Andrew Marc Greene) (02/26/91)

Hi, all you net folk out there.

I was wondering if anyone has any information about programming the
Toaster.  I don't mean using AREXX, which I've been doing.

Here's the specific application I had in mind:  I want to be able to
grab an image and do stuff with it --- either convert it to a HAM
image or to a 64x64 1-plane bitmap.  Currently, the only way to do
that is to have AREXX tell the Toaster software to...

  freeze an image, save the result to my almost-full hard disk
  (since I only have 4meg of fast ram), head on over to ToasterPaint,
  load in the RGB image, erase the RGB image to free up disk space,
  save an IFF file, then exit everything and start up DigiPaint and
  load in the 24-bit IFF file, then save the resulting HAM IFF file
  to floppy.

It seems to me that I should be able to write software that tells
the Toaster to freeze a frame and copy the contents of DV1 into
my own buffer in fast RAM, which I could then process to my heart's

The Switcher can be a pain, and ToasterPaint is unbearable (at least
with only 5meg).  Lightwave is slick and fun -- now, if only I had
a use fot it!  :-)


Any suggestions for a .signature?