[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] Simple Question: FInding CLI number

aliu@aludra.usc.edu (Alex C. Liu) (03/14/91)

THis is a simple question that I cant figure out.  How do you find the
CLI number of a process?  What I mean, is that if I start a program
running on a CLI, how do I find out what is the number of that CLI we
are running from C?

Thanks in advance

Alejandro Liu		|EMail: aliu@usc.edu |All mispellings are intentional
3131 Mc Clintock #151F	|Voice: 213-745-2372 |Anything mentioned here is not
Los Angeles, CA 90007	|Data:  213-475-2371 |necessarily true.

bj@cbmvax.commodore.com (Brian Jackson) (03/14/91)

In article <15772@chaph.usc.edu> aliu@aludra.usc.edu (Alex C. Liu) writes:
>THis is a simple question that I cant figure out.  How do you find the
>CLI number of a process?  What I mean, is that if I start a program
>running on a CLI, how do I find out what is the number of that CLI we
>are running from C?


	struct Process *FindTask( char * name ) ;
	struct Process *mytask = FindTask(NULL) ;
	LONG tasknum = mytask->pr_TaskNum ;


>Alejandro Liu		|EMail: aliu@usc.edu |All mispellings are intentional

 | Brian Jackson  Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga Inc.  GEnie: B.J. |
 | bj@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com    or  ...{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!bj     |
 | "We defy augury"                                                    |