(Doug Bischoff) (03/30/91)
Hi all. Well, since I can't afford a good C package, I've been working on writing some programs in ARexx so I don't get TOO rusty. First I thought it logical to open a screen, open some windows, and put some simple requesters/gadgets in them. I'm using the rx_intui.library for my intuition calls for windows/screens and such. After running several test versions, I was able to get the program to do just that, but before any gadgets appear, I get an ARexx error, "Unmatch ed Parenthesis" right on a statement that has ONLY TWO PARENTHESIS. One Open, and one Close. I don't get it. Ideas, suggestions? /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ | -Doug Bischoff- | *** *** ====--\ | "I'm not God... | | -DEB110 @ PSUVM- | * *** * ==|<>\___ | I was just | | -The Black Ring- | *** *** |______\ | misquoted!"| | --- "Wheels" --- | *** O O | -Dave Lister | | Corwyn Blakwolfe | T.R.I. ------------- | RED DWARF | \---- DEB110@PSUVM.PSU.EDU D.BISCHOFF on GEnie THIRDMAN on PAN -----/ (Willis F York) (03/30/91) (Doug Bischoff) writes: > Hi all. > Well, since I can't afford a good C package, I've been working on writing >some programs in ARexx so I don't get TOO rusty. First I thought it logical >to open a screen, open some windows, and put some simple requesters/gadgets in >them. > I'm using the rx_intui.library for my intuition calls for windows/screens >and such. After running several test versions, I was able to get the program >to do just that, but before any gadgets appear, I get an ARexx error, "Unmatch >ed Parenthesis" right on a statement that has ONLY TWO PARENTHESIS. One Open, >and one Close. I don't get it. > Ideas, suggestions? I`ve been having problems with that rx=inuti.library also. Either I`m doing somthing wrong, or somthing odd is happening., I can get the Example progrms to work SOMEtimes.. Seems like a Neat idea, but either i`m missing some Docs or there ain`t many . . -- aka Willis F York aka Squid on IRC The only thing that Apple invented is the idea to borrow Xerox-invented ideas. (Hope THIS sig don't insult anyone!) :^) (Andrew Clayton) (03/30/91)
In article <>, Doug Bischoff writes: > > I'm using the rx_intui.library for my intuition calls for windows/screens > and such. After running several test versions, I was able to get the program > to do just that, but before any gadgets appear, I get an ARexx error, "Unmatch > ed Parenthesis" right on a statement that has ONLY TWO PARENTHESIS. One Open, > and one Close. I don't get it. I've run into this problem when I'm using another function in the parenthesis, that requires a parameter, and I haven't supplied a parameter. Dac -- David Andrew Clayton. // _l _ _ *or*|I post.I am. Canberra, Australia.\X/ (_](_l(_!prolix!dac@munnari.oz