[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] Line-thickness drawing attribute

baker@wbc.enet.dec.com (03/28/91)

	The RKM's for 1.3 (and earlier) show that the graphics
	drawing functions have hooks for a line-thickness
	attribute, but say that it's currently unsupported.

	Is it supported under 2.0 ?  Is it something that may
	be supported, or has it been abandoned ?

	BTW: If any of you Commodore types are reading this, a
	     drawing function that generated open arc's would be
	     nice, too...

	 Art Baker

BAXTER_A@wehi.dn.mu.oz (03/29/91)

In article <1991Mar27.155056.27758@decuac.dec.com>, baker@wbc.enet.dec.com writes:
> 	The RKM's for 1.3 (and earlier) show that the graphics
> 	drawing functions have hooks for a line-thickness
> 	attribute, but say that it's currently unsupported.
> 	Is it supported under 2.0 ?  Is it something that may
> 	be supported, or has it been abandoned ?
> 	BTW: If any of you Commodore types are reading this, a
> 	     drawing function that generated open arc's would be
> 	     nice, too...
> 	Regards,
> 	 Art Baker

Ah! Drawing - routines - that - need - to - be - available - and - aren't:

Line thickness is needed.

Lines that bend at nodes restart the line pattern instead of continuing it.
Thus you can't draw a patterned curve using small segements.

Some way or rotating fonts 90 deg for screen printing. The Mac had exactly
the same problem.. 

Regards Alan

dale@boing.UUCP (Dale Luck) (04/02/91)

In article <24200@wehi.dn.mu.oz> BAXTER_A@wehi.dn.mu.oz writes:
>Ah! Drawing - routines - that - need - to - be - available - and - aren't:
>Line thickness is needed.
>Lines that bend at nodes restart the line pattern instead of continuing it.
>Thus you can't draw a patterned curve using small segements.

What? Graphics.library does not restart the pattern  at line joins.
Make sure you are not using a move.
Move resets the pattern count, Draw does not, string your lines
together with Draws.

It is a new bug if it happens any other way.

Dale Luck     GfxBase/Boing, Inc.

spence@cbmvax.commodore.com (Spencer Shanson) (04/03/91)

In article <1991Mar27.155056.27758@decuac.dec.com> baker@wbc.enet.dec.com writes:
>	The RKM's for 1.3 (and earlier) show that the graphics
>	drawing functions have hooks for a line-thickness
>	attribute, but say that it's currently unsupported.
>	Is it supported under 2.0 ?  Is it something that may
>	be supported, or has it been abandoned ?
Thick lines are not supported in KS2.0. One day....

>	BTW: If any of you Commodore types are reading this, a
>	     drawing function that generated open arc's would be
>	     nice, too...
>	Regards,
>	 Art Baker

Spencer Shanson - Amiga Software Engineer     | email: spence@commodore.COM
                                              | or uunet!cbmvax!spence
All opinions expressed are my own, and do not | "You know my methods. Apply
(necessarily) represent those of Commodore.   | them" -- Sir Arthur Conan
                                              | Doyle - 'The Sign of Four'

spence@cbmvax.commodore.com (Spencer Shanson) (04/03/91)

In article <965@boing.UUCP> dale@boing.UUCP (Dale Luck) writes:
>In article <24200@wehi.dn.mu.oz> BAXTER_A@wehi.dn.mu.oz writes:
>>Ah! Drawing - routines - that - need - to - be - available - and - aren't:
>>Line thickness is needed.
>>Lines that bend at nodes restart the line pattern instead of continuing it.
>>Thus you can't draw a patterned curve using small segements.
>What? Graphics.library does not restart the pattern  at line joins.
>Make sure you are not using a move.
>Move resets the pattern count, Draw does not, string your lines
>together with Draws.
>It is a new bug if it happens any other way.

Dale - the Draw() code was *really* confused about the rp->linpatcnt value
after drawing through cliprects. This is now fixed.

>Dale Luck     GfxBase/Boing, Inc.

Spencer Shanson - Amiga Software Engineer     | email: spence@commodore.COM
                                              | or uunet!cbmvax!spence
All opinions expressed are my own, and do not | "You know my methods. Apply
(necessarily) represent those of Commodore.   | them" -- Sir Arthur Conan
                                              | Doyle - 'The Sign of Four'

baxter_a@wehi.dn.mu.oz (04/08/91)

In article <20310@cbmvax.commodore.com>, spence@cbmvax.commodore.com (Spencer Shanson) writes:
> In article <965@boing.UUCP> dale@boing.UUCP (Dale Luck) writes:
>>In article <24200@wehi.dn.mu.oz> BAXTER_A@wehi.dn.mu.oz writes:
>>>Ah! Drawing - routines - that - need - to - be - available - and - aren't:
>>>Line thickness is needed.
>>>Lines that bend at nodes restart the line pattern instead of continuing it.
>>>Thus you can't draw a patterned curve using small segements.
>>What? Graphics.library does not restart the pattern  at line joins.
>>Make sure you are not using a move.
>>Move resets the pattern count, Draw does not, string your lines
>>together with Draws.
>>It is a new bug if it happens any other way.
> Dale - the Draw() code was *really* confused about the rp->linpatcnt value
> after drawing through cliprects. This is now fixed.

Thanks. But now I've spent 1/2 hour stuffing around with it, I thought I'd
post what I found, anyway...

My line pattern was half pixels on, then the other half off.
My line was horizontal.
The line was made of segments (variable number) using Draw(), no Move()'s.
One segment, no problems.
Several segments, looks okay, but the more segments, the worse it looks,
line becomes moth eaten.
Segment ending at every pixel, no pattern at all.

Looks a bit like Draw looses track in the pattern and drops back one
pixel at each node.

Regards Alan

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (04/09/91)

In article <1991Apr7.174600.24545@wehi.dn.mu.oz> baxter_a@wehi.dn.mu.oz writes:
>My line pattern was half pixels on, then the other half off.
>My line was horizontal.
>The line was made of segments (variable number) using Draw(), no Move()'s.
>One segment, no problems.
>Several segments, looks okay, but the more segments, the worse it looks,
>line becomes moth eaten.
>Segment ending at every pixel, no pattern at all.

	I think Draw normally does start the pattern fresh (how canit know
otherwise?)  Are you sure you're talking Move() and Draw()??

Randell Jesup, Keeper of AmigaDos, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
Disclaimer: Nothing I say is anything other than my personal opinion.
Thus spake the Master Ninjei: "To program a million-line operating system
is easy, to change a man's temperament is more difficult."
(From "The Zen of Programming")  ;-)