[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] development for handicapped people

forgeas@swinjm.UUCP (Jean-Michel Forgeas) (04/25/91)

Here is a posting from the association "AVANTAGE" for which I sometimes
develope applications:
AVANTAGE is an association comprised of professionals such computer
scientists, therapists , engineers etc..
The main of AVANTAGE is the research and development of software and
hardware adapted for use on the Amiga by physically handicapped persons.
Exemples of recent developments include:
    * drawing/painting software
    * Communication system using a Bliss-like code of pictograms
    * Authoring system designed for schools and special education centers

We would be interested in knowing about anyone working on similar
or related projects.

Please respond with a brief description of your interests and products
and how we can contact you.

We would be grateful for any assistance in your endeavor to contact such
people or association.

Sincerely yours
Philippe Ducalet ,Occupational therapist
Director of development (Avantage)
I shall forward your answers to him.
Jean-Michel Forgeas                   \-/
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