[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] Let's Prove That Point...

jlehmann@wpi.WPI.EDU (Jonas A. Lehmann) (04/26/91)

to all of you who mailed me back that you would be interested
in proving a point about poor programming style in euro-demos, here is 
a small demo by Corto of Angels that I found on some old dusty disk.
Not an especially extremely fascinating demo, but surely shittily 

Let's try to clean this one up and make it run like commodore says
it should.

It runs on my 2000/030 HD NTSC and in 512K PAL. 
Naturally it is better synronized in PAL but hey!

Well here is the top part so we can all laugh a little.
The complete source with ALL data files will be posted on
abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov as demosrc.zoo

Enjoy. Jonas - jlehmann@wpi.wpi.edu

; This Demo was Originally Coded by Corto of Angels      ;
;                                                        ;
; This is the Original Seka Version with only            ;
; filenames, intial comments, and scroll-text modified   ;
;                                                        ;
; Provided as an example of poor-programming style :-)   ;
; This Demo was coded using SEKA (some version of it)    ;
; To run from SEKA....                                   ;
; > A <ret> <ret>               assemble
; > Y <ret> <ret>               include files
; > J run                       run from label
; To save demo from SEKA
; > WI filename run end
; Then crunch and make executable ....
; Enjoy the code .... hahahaha

org $40000
load $40000
;movem.L d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
bsr.L save_all
lea $50000,a0
move #24575,d7
move.b #$ff,(a0)+
dbra d7,run1
lea $56000,a1
move #37887,d7
run2:clr.l (a1)+
dbra d7,run2
move sin+$200,sin200+2
move cos+$200,cos200+2
move sin+$200,sin200b+2
move cos+$200,cos200b+2
move sin+$600,sin600+2
move cos+$600,cos600+2
move sin+$600,sin600b+2
move cos+$600,cos600b+2
bsr.L makecopper
lea $dff000,a6
move #$3fff,$9a(a6)
move #$3fff,$96(a6)
move #$83c0,$96(a6)
move.l #irq,$6c
move.L #%111101111011100111101111,$56000+9982+38
move.L #%100001001010100011001001,$56000+9982+46+38
move.L #%100001001011100011001001,$56000+9982+92+38
move.l #%100001001010010011001001,$56000+9982+138+38
move.l #%111101111010010011001111,$56000+9982+184+38
bsr.L makmask
bsr.L suite

tst.b count1
bne.s affiche1
lea fonts,a1
move.l bpp,a2
clr.w d0
move.L text1c,a0
move.l (a0),a0
lea quelle(pc),a3
add.w (a3),a0
move.b (a0),d0
addq.w #1,(a3)
cmpi.b #$fe,d0
bne.s dernier
addi.l #[46*8]-40,a2
bra.s lettre
tst.b	d0
beq.s	suit
cmpi.b	#$20,d0
bne.s	noespace
add.w	#96,a1
bra.s	affichelettre
sub.b	#$2b,d0
add.b	d0,d0
add.w	d0,a1
bsr.l	affichefont
addq.l	#1,a2
move.L a2,bpp

ENOUGH MORE ON THE FTP SITE - seems like coded in french -