[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] Dot, line, and polygon routine source code latest version

jcs@crash.cts.com (John Schultz) (05/22/91)

Here's the latest verions of my dot, line, and polygon code. Redistribute
and use at will, but leave the copyright notices in tact.



#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	p/demo.c
#	p/demo.h
#	p/draw3d.a
#	p/draw3d.h
#	p/fill.c
#	p/gdefs.i
#	p/makefile
#	p/readme
#	p/scanconvert.a
# This archive created: Tue May 21 11:26:02 1991
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'p/demo.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/demo.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/demo.c'
/* Demo.c
   Copyright ) 1991 John Schultz, All Rights Reserved
   Stripped from: Demo for AmigaWorld Expo, New York, April 5-7 1991

#include "draw3d.h"

void main(void) {

/* Add your code here */

} /* main */

/* end demo.c */
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'p/demo.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/demo.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/demo.h'
/* Demo.h
   Copyright ) 1991 John Schultz
   Demo for AmigaWorld Expo, New York, April 5-7 1991

#include <exec/types.h>

typedef struct shortpoint2d {short x,y;} shortpoint2d;
typedef struct longpoint3d {long x,y,z;} longpoint3d;
typedef struct defpoint3d {long x,y,z;          /* rotated points        */
                           long defx,defy,defz; /* definition points     */
                           unsigned long gcycle;/* need to rotate?       */
                           long pad;            /* Make 32 bytes in size */
                           } defpoint3d;
typedef struct drawoffset {unsigned short offset,bit,color;} drawoffset;
typedef struct matrix {long a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1,h1,i1;} matrix;
typedef void (*animfunc)(long * data); /* anim function pointer */
typedef void (*motionfunc)(struct object * o); /* motion function pointer */

#define NUMDOTS 32

typedef struct dot {
  defpoint3d point;
  shortpoint2d dp;       /* Drawpoint */
  short color;
} dot;

typedef struct poly {
  matrix * pm;           /* Parent object's matrix */
  defpoint3d * vpoint[8];
  defpoint3d shadow[8];
  defpoint3d normal[2];
  long planek,vis;
  shortpoint2d dp[8];    /* drawpoint */
  animfunc companim;     /* Compute animation */
  long * animinfo;
  animfunc drawanim;     /* Draw animation */
  long * animdata;
  short basecolor,drawcolor;
  short vcount,colorrange;
} poly;

typedef struct object {
  matrix lm,sm;
  defpoint3d frame[8];
  poly face[6];            /* Boxes, max    */
  short numface,numframe;
  defpoint3d icenter,rcenter;  /* Imaginary and Real centers */
  longpoint3d linvel,rotvel;   /* Velocities    */
  longpoint3d linacl,rotacl;   /* Accelerations */
  longpoint3d stretch,straxis; /* For squash and stretch */
  motionfunc motion;
  long mass;               /* For Collisions */
} object;

#define FBITS 14
#define FBITSONE (1<<FBITS) 
#define RBITS ((double)FBITSONE)

/* end demo.h */
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'p/draw3d.a'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/draw3d.a'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/draw3d.a'
; Draw3d.a - 3D Drawing Routines
; Created 20-Oct-89

	include	"gdefs.i"

	section	Draw3d,code

	xdef	_drawpixel
	xdef	_drawline
	xdef	_fillline68k

; general purpose single call routine, using minimal registers.
; a1 = planeptr array, d0 = x, d1 = y, d2 = color

	movem.l	d6-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
	move.w	d1,d7	; save y
	add.w	d1,d1	; *2
	add.w	d1,d1	; *4
	add.w	d1,d7	; *5
	lsl.w	#3,d7	; *40
	move.w	d0,d6	; save x
	lsr.w	#3,d0	; get x byte offset
	add.w	d0,d7	; x offset + y offset
	andi.w	#7,d6	; get x bit set
	not.b	d6	; invert bits (left to right)

	movea.l	a0,a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3
	lea	PLANESIZE(a3),a4
	lea	PLANESIZE(a4),a5
	andi.w	#15,d2		; 0..15 color
	add.w	d2,d2		;
	add.w	d2,d2		; (4 byte entries) get table index
	lea	colorjmptable(pc),a6 ; table base
	movea.l	0(a6,d2.w),a6	; get jmp address
	jsr	(a6)		; plot pixel

	movem.l	(sp)+,d6-d7/a2-a6
	cnop	0,4

	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)

	movea.l	a1,a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3
	lea	PLANESIZE(a3),a4
	lea	PLANESIZE(a4),a5

	andi.w	#15,d7		; 0..15 color
	add.w	d7,d7		;
	add.w	d7,d7		; (4 byte entries) get table index
	lea	linejmptable(pc),a6 ; table base
	movea.l	0(a6,d7.w),a6	; get jmp address

	move.w	d0,d4
	swap	d4
	clr.w	d4
	move.w	d1,d5
	swap	d5
	clr.w	d5

	sub.w	d0,d2
	move.w	d2,d0
	bpl.b	sk1_vecd
	neg.w	d0
	sub.w	d1,d3
	move.w	d3,d1
	bpl.b	sk2_vecd
	neg.w	d1
	cmp.w	d0,d1
	bgt.b	y_biggerd
	tst.w	d2
	bmi.b	sk3_vecd
	move.l	#$10000,d6
	bra.b	sk4_vecd
	move.l	#$ffff0000,d6
	swap	d3
	clr.w	d3
	asr.l	#2,d3
	tst.w	d0
	beq.b	divtrapd
	divs	d0,d3
	ext.l	d3
	asl.l	#2,d3
	move.l	d3,d7
	move.w	d0,d2
	bra.b	sk7_vecd
	tst.w	d3
	bmi.b	sk5_vecd
	move.l	#$10000,d7
	bra.b	sk6_vecd
	move.l	#$ffff0000,d7
	swap	d2
	clr.w	d2
	asr.l	#2,d2
	tst.w	d1
	beq.b	divtrapd
	divs	d1,d2
	ext.l	d2
	asl.l	#2,d2
	move.l	d2,d6
	move.w	d1,d2
	subq.w	#1,d2	; setup dbra

	move.l	#$8000,a0	; .5 to add to round up
	move.l	#$8000,a1	; "                   "

	jsr	(a6)	; draw line

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6

	move.l	d4,d0
	move.l	d5,d1
	add.l	a0,d0
	add.l	a1,d1
	swap	d0
	swap	d1

	move.w	d1,d3	; save y
	add.w	d1,d1	; *2
	add.w	d1,d1	; *4
	add.w	d1,d3	; *5
	lsl.w	#3,d3	; *40
	move.w	d0,d1	; save x
	lsr.w	#3,d0	; get x byte offset
	add.w	d0,d3	; x offset + y offset
	andi.w	#7,d1	; get x bit set
	not.b	d1	; invert bits (left to right)

        \1.b	d1,0(a2,d3.w)	
        \2.b	d1,0(a3,d3.w)	
        \3.b	d1,0(a4,d3.w)	
        \4.b	d1,0(a5,d3.w)	

	add.l	d6,d4
	add.l	d7,d5
	dbra	d2,lp0_vecd\@

	LINEPLOT	bclr,bclr,bclr,bclr
	LINEPLOT	bset,bclr,bclr,bclr
	LINEPLOT	bclr,bset,bclr,bclr
	LINEPLOT	bset,bset,bclr,bclr
	LINEPLOT	bclr,bclr,bset,bclr
	LINEPLOT	bset,bclr,bset,bclr
	LINEPLOT	bclr,bset,bset,bclr
	LINEPLOT	bset,bset,bset,bclr
	LINEPLOT	bclr,bclr,bclr,bset
	LINEPLOT	bset,bclr,bclr,bset
	LINEPLOT	bclr,bset,bclr,bset
	LINEPLOT	bset,bset,bclr,bset
	LINEPLOT	bclr,bclr,bset,bset
	LINEPLOT	bset,bclr,bset,bset
	LINEPLOT	bclr,bset,bset,bset
	LINEPLOT	bset,bset,bset,bset

	dc.l	linecolor0
	dc.l	linecolor1
	dc.l	linecolor2
	dc.l	linecolor3
	dc.l	linecolor4
	dc.l	linecolor5
	dc.l	linecolor6
	dc.l	linecolor7
	dc.l	linecolor8
	dc.l	linecolor9
	dc.l	linecolor10
	dc.l	linecolor11
	dc.l	linecolor12
	dc.l	linecolor13
	dc.l	linecolor14
	dc.l	linecolor15

	cnop	0,4		; align for 020/030 speed.

; extern void __asm fillline68k(register __d0 short x,
;                               register __d1 short y,
;                               register __d2 short x2,
;                               register __d3 short y2,
;                               register __a0 short * table);

	movem.l	d2-d7,-(sp)

	cmp.w	d1,d3		; always draw top->bottom for accuracy
	bgt.b	oky
	exg	d1,d3		; swap y's
	exg	d0,d2		; sway x's
	move.w	d3,d6
	add.w	d6,d6		; 2 byte entries
	move.w	d2,0(a0,d6.w)	; save x in scan table

	move.w	d1,d6
	add.w	d6,d6		; 2 byte entries
	move.w	d0,0(a0,d6.w)	; save x in scan table

	adda.w	d6,a0		; set up address to start of table

	move.w	d0,d4
	swap	d4
	clr.w	d4
	move.w	d1,d5
	swap	d5
	clr.w	d5

	sub.w	d0,d2
	move.w	d2,d0
	bpl.b	sk1_vec
	neg.w	d0
	sub.w	d1,d3
	move.w	d3,d1
	bpl.b	sk2_vec
	neg.w	d1
	cmp.w	d0,d1
	bgt.b	y_bigger
	tst.w	d2
	bmi.b	sk3_vec
	move.l	#$10000,d6
	bra.b	sk4_vec
	move.l	#$ffff0000,d6
	swap	d3
	clr.w	d3
	asr.l	#2,d3
	tst.w	d0
	beq	divtrap
	divs	d0,d3
	ext.l	d3
	asl.l	#2,d3
	move.l	d3,d7
	move.w	d0,d2
	bra.b	sk7_vec
	tst.w	d3
	bmi.b	sk5_vec
	move.l	#$10000,d7
	bra.b	sk6_vec
	move.l	#$ffff0000,d7
	swap	d2
	clr.w	d2
	asr.l	#2,d2
	tst.w	d1
	beq	divtrap
	divs	d1,d2
	ext.l	d2
	asl.l	#2,d2
	move.l	d2,d6
	move.w	d1,d2
;	subq.w	#1,d2		; set up dbra
	move.l	#$8000,d3	; .5 to add to round up

	move.w	d1,a1		; old y = current y

	move.l	d4,d0		; compute 2nd x point
	add.l	d3,d0
	swap	d0
	move.l	d5,d1		; compute 2nd y point
	add.l	d3,d1
	swap	d1
	cmp.w	a1,d1		; newy # oldy?
	beq.b	ynochange	; no
	move.w	d0,(a0)+
	move.w	d1,a1

	add.l	d6,d4
	add.l	d7,d5

	move.l	d4,d0
	add.l	d3,d0
	swap	d0
	move.l	d5,d1
	add.l	d3,d1
	swap	d1
	dbra	d2,lp0_vec
	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7

	cnop	0,4

; jmp table routines for setting a pixel
; d6 = bit to set, a2-a5 = plane ptrs, d7.w = offset
color0:				; %0000
        bclr.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color1:				; %0001
        bset.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)
        bclr.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color2:				; %0010
        bclr.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color3:				; %0011
        bset.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color4:				; %0100
        bclr.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color5:				; %0101
        bset.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color6:				; %0110
        bclr.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color7:				; %0111
        bset.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color8:				; %1000
        bclr.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color9:				; %1001
        bset.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color10:			; %1010
        bclr.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color11:			; %1011
        bset.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color12:			; %1100
        bclr.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color13:			; %1101
        bset.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bclr.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color14:			; %1110
        bclr.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	
color15:			; %1111
        bset.b	d6,0(a2,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a3,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a4,d7.w)	
        bset.b	d6,0(a5,d7.w)	

	cnop	0,4

	dc.l	color0
	dc.l	color1
	dc.l	color2
	dc.l	color3
	dc.l	color4
	dc.l	color5
	dc.l	color6
	dc.l	color7
	dc.l	color8
	dc.l	color9
	dc.l	color10
	dc.l	color11
	dc.l	color12
	dc.l	color13
	dc.l	color14
	dc.l	color15

fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'p/draw3d.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/draw3d.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/draw3d.h'
/* Draw3d.h */
/* Created 9-May-90 */

/* From draw3d.a */

#ifndef DRAW3D
#define DRAW3D
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>

#define WIDTH 320
#define HEIGHT 200
#define DEPTH 4

#define ONEPLANE 0x100 /* One bitplane color (set color equal to) */

typedef struct shortpoint2d {short x,y;} shortpoint2d;

extern void __asm drawpixel(register __a0 PLANEPTR p,
                            register __d0 short x,
                            register __d1 short y,
                            register __d2 short color);

extern void __asm drawline(register __a1 PLANEPTR p,
                              register __d0 short x,
                              register __d1 short y,
                              register __d2 short x2,
                              register __d3 short y2,
                              register __d7 short color);

extern void __asm fillline68k(register __d0 short x,
                              register __d1 short y,
                              register __d2 short x2,
                              register __d3 short y2,
                              register __a0 short * table);

/* From scanconvert.a */
extern void __asm scanconvpix(register __a0 PLANEPTR p,
                              register __a1 short * minx,
                              register __a2 short * maxx,
                              register __d0 short miny,
                              register __d1 short maxy,
                              register __d2 short color);

/* One bitplane version */
extern void __asm scanconvpix1(register __a0 PLANEPTR p,
                               register __a1 short * minx,
                               register __a2 short * maxx,
                               register __d0 short miny,
                               register __d1 short maxy);

/* From fill.c */

void drawpolyc(shortpoint2d * vp,
               PLANEPTR p,
               short count,
               short color); /* Will render into Plane p only if
                                color == ONEPLANE */

/* end Draw3d.h */
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'p/fill.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/fill.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/fill.c'
/* Copyright ) 1991 John Schultz
   All Rights Reserved
/* fill.c, processor poly filler */

#include "draw3d.h"

static short xmin[HEIGHT+1], xmax[HEIGHT+1];
static short * xt;

void drawpolyc(shortpoint2d * vp,
               PLANEPTR p,
               short count,
               short color){
shortpoint2d * tmax, * tmin;
shortpoint2d * tp, * tpn;
shortpoint2d * last;
long cmp;
long orient;

/* Get last point */
  last = &vp[count-1];

/* Cross product to check for check for line case */
  if (count > 3) { /* Use Newell method */
    orient = 0;
    tp = vp; /* Point to first point */
    while (1) {
      if (tp == last)
        tpn = vp; /* Set next pointer to first point */
        tpn = tp + 1; /* point to next. Compiler does: tp + sizeof(*tp) */
      orient += (tp->x - tpn->x)*(tp->y + tpn->y);
      if (tpn == vp) break; /* Come full circle */
      tp = tpn; /* go to next */
    } /* while */
  } else { /* Simple cross-product: triangle case */
    orient = (vp[1].x - vp[0].x)*(vp[2].y - vp[0].y) - 
             (vp[1].y - vp[0].y)*(vp[2].x - vp[0].x);
  } /* if count */

  if (orient == 0L) { /* Collinear: draw a line */
/* Find two points that aren't equal */
    cmp = *(long *)vp; /* First point */
    tp = vp + 1; /* Point to next (Compiler does: vp + sizeof(*vp) */
    while (1) {
      if ((cmp != (*(long *)tp)) || (tp == last)) break;
    } /* while */
    if (color != ONEPLANE)
      drawline(p,vp->x,vp->y,tp->x,tp->y,(unsigned short)(color | 0xf00));
  } /* if line case */

/* Find miny,maxy */
  tmin = vp;   /* Point at first */
  tmax = vp;   /* "            " */
  tp = vp + 1; /* Point to next (Compiler does: vp + sizeof(*vp) */

  while (1) {
    if (tp->y < tmin->y) {
      tmin = tp;
    } else if (tp->y == tmin->y) {
      if (tp->x >= tmax->x) {
        tmin = tp;
      } /* if tp->x */
    } /* if tp->y */
    if (tp->y > tmax->y) {  /* MaxY */
      tmax = tp;
    } else if (tp->y == tmax->y) {
      if (tp->x < tmax->x) { /* Get maxY, minX */
        tmax = tp;
      } /* if tp->x */
    } /* if tmaxy */
    if (tp == last) break;

  if (orient < 0) {

/* Fill tables */
  tp = tmin; /* Temp point starts at miny */
  xt = xmin; /* Fill xmin table first */
  while (1) {
    if (tp == last)
      tpn = vp; /* Set to first point */
      tpn = tp + 1; /* Next. Compiler does: tp + sizeof(*tp) */
    if (tpn == tmin) break; /* Come full circle, quit */
    if (tpn == tmax) xt = xmax; /* Fill max table */
    tp = tpn; /* Go to next */
  } /* while */

  } else {

/* Fill tables */
  tp = tmin; /* Temp point starts at miny */
  xt = xmax; /* Fill xmax table first */
  while (1) {
    if (tp == last)
      tpn = vp; /* Set to first point */
      tpn = tp + 1; /* Next. Compiler does: tp + sizeof(*tp) */
    if (tpn == tmin) break; /* Come full circle, quit */
    if (tpn == tmax) xt = xmin; /* Fill min table */
    tp = tpn; /* Go to next */
  } /* while */

  } /* if orient */

/* Draw polygon */
  if (color== ONEPLANE) /* Draw only one bitplane */
  else               /* Draw all bitplanes     */

} /* drawpolyc */

/* end fill.c */
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'p/gdefs.i'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/gdefs.i'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/gdefs.i'
; Graphics defs

WIDTH		equ	320
HEIGHT		equ	200
DEPTH		equ	4


; end gdefs.i
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'p/makefile'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/makefile'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/makefile'
FLAGS = -cusf -m3 -O

demo: demo.o scanconvert.o fill.o draw3d.o
  blink from lib:c.o demo.o scanconvert.o fill.o draw3d.o to demo \
  lib lib:lc.lib lib:amiga.lib SC SD ND

demo.o: draw3d.h demo.c
  lc $(FLAGS) demo.c

fill.o: draw3d.h fill.c
  lc $(FLAGS) fill.c

draw3d.o: gdefs.i draw3d.a
  asm draw3d.a

scanconvert.o: gdefs.i scanconvert.a
  asm scanconvert.a
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'p/readme'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/readme'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/readme'
Here are my processor dot, line, and polygon routines. Any problems or 
questions mail them to me. Enjoy.

  John Schultz

(If you are a graphics programmer developer with a product that can benefit
from a 320x256 - 1280x1024 (1-8 bits per pixel, 24 bit palette) display,
please contact Digital Micronics, Inc., at (619) 931-8554. DMI will soon
have available a 60Mhz 34010 graphics coprocessor for the Amiga (Pending

These routines have been optimized for a 320x200x4 display. You must allocate
memory for your bitmaps as one continuous block of memory. If you want to
change the vertical size of the bitmap, change planesize accordingly
(in gdefs.i). If you want to change the width, you'll have to modify all
of the *40 (times forty) calculations (bytes per row). Changing to 80 bytes
per row is simple (for 640 width). Other sizes and depths will require more

All calls require a pointer to your first bitplane in your bitmap.
For example: drawline(myRP->BitMap->Planes[0], etc)

On a 68030 Amiga, especially an A3000 with 32bit chip ram, you'll find these
routines to be much faster than the blitter (2-5 times faster than the ROM
routines). Furthermore, you can still optimize the polygon routines even
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'p/scanconvert.a'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'p/scanconvert.a'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p/scanconvert.a'
; scanconvert.a
; Created 14-March-90
; Modified 17-May-90
;   Re-written with long word aligned writes: now up to twice as fast
;   as using bfset/bfclr (bitfield instructions can hit up to 5 bytes,
;   not long word aligned).
;   Code is now 68000 compatible.

	section	scanconvert,code

	include	"gdefs.i"

	xdef	_scanconvpix
	xdef	_scanconvpix1

; d0/d1 = miny,maxy.
; a0 = planeptr
; a1 = xmin table
; a2 = xmax table
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)

	move.w	d1,d7	; get maxy. d0 = miny.
	sub.w	d0,d7	; compute yheight. +1 not necessary: using dbra.

	movea.l	a1,a4	; copy xminptr
	movea.l	a2,a5	; copy xmaxptr

	move.w	d0,d6	; copy miny
	add.w	d6,d6	; y index is 2 bytes, so *2 offset
	adda.w	d6,a4	; get to start postion minx
	adda.w	d6,a5	; get to start postion maxx

	move.w	d0,d6	; copy miny
	lsl.w	#3,d6	; *8
	lsl.w	#5,d0	; *32
	add.w	d6,d0	; *40
	adda.w	d0,a0	; go to first scanline in bitmap
	movea.l	a0,a1	; setup for first pass

	moveq.l	#40,d5	; bytes per row, to be added each scanline

; d6 is free, d5 could be free, a3/a6 are free

	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished1

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a1		; add x offset to scanline

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; write mask
	bra.b	finished1
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; write left mask
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; write middle 1's
	dbra	d1,multiloop
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; write right mask
	adda.w	d5,a0		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	a0,a1		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop1	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6

; d0/d1 = miny,maxy, d2 = color.
; a0 = planeptr
; a1 = xmin table
; a2 = xmax table
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a5,-(sp)

	move.w	d1,d7	; get maxy. d0 = miny.
	sub.w	d0,d7	; compute yheight. +1 not necessary: using dbra.

	movea.l	a1,a4	; copy xminptr
	movea.l	a2,a5	; copy xmaxptr

	move.w	d0,d6	; copy miny
	add.w	d6,d6	; y index is 2 bytes, so *2 offset
	adda.w	d6,a4	; get to start postion minx
	adda.w	d6,a5	; get to start postion maxx

	move.w	d0,d6	; copy miny
	lsl.w	#3,d6	; *8
	lsl.w	#5,d0	; *32
	add.w	d6,d0	; *40

	adda.w	d0,a0	; go to first scanline in bitmap
	move.l	a0,d6	; setup for first pass (d6 += 40 each pass)

	moveq.l	#40,d5	; bytes per row, to be added each scanline

	lea	colorplanes(pc),a2	; get colorplane table
	add.w	d2,d2
	add.w	d2,d2			; entries are 4 bytes long
	movea.l	0(a2,d2.w),a2		; get color jsr address

	jmp	(a2)		; do specific plane writes/clears

; end of scanconvpix

COLOR0	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	not.l	d2		; invert
	and.l	d2,(a0)+	; write left mask
	and.l	d2,(a1)+	; write left mask
	and.l	d2,(a2)+	; write left mask
;	and.l	d2,(a3)+	; write left mask
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite
	moveq.l	#0,d2		; zereos
	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; write middle 0's
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; write middle 0's
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; write middle 0's
;	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; write middle 0's
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	not.l	d3
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; write right mask
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; write right mask
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; write right mask
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; write right mask
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR1	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	not.l	d3
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a1)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a2)+	; clear
;	and.l	d2,(a3)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a1)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a2)+	; clear
;	move.l	d4,(a3)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	not.l	d3
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR2	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a0)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a2)+	; clear
;	and.l	d2,(a3)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a0)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a2)+	; clear
;	move.l	d4,(a3)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR3	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
;	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
;	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
;	or.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	not.l	d2
;	and.l	d2,(a2)+	; clear
;	and.l	d2,(a3)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
;	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
;	move.l	d4,(a2)+	; clear
;	move.l	d4,(a3)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
;	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	not.l	d3
;	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR4	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a0)+	; clear
;	and.l	d2,(a1)+	; clear
;	and.l	d2,(a3)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a0)+	; clear
;	move.l	d4,(a1)+	; clear
;	move.l	d4,(a3)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
;	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR5	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a1)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a3)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a1)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a3)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR6	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a0)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a3)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a0)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a3)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR7	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a3)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a3)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a3)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR8	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a0)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a1)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a2)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a0)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a1)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a2)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR9	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a1)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a2)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a1)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a2)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR10	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a0)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a2)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a0)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a2)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR11	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a2)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a2)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a2)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR12	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a0)+	; clear
	and.l	d2,(a1)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a0)+	; clear
	move.l	d4,(a1)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR13	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a1)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a1)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a1)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR14	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	not.l	d2
	and.l	d2,(a0)+	; clear
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	moveq.l	#0,d4		; zeroes
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	move.l	d4,(a0)+	; clear
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	not.l	d3		; invert
	and.l	d3,(a0)		; clear
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5


COLOR15	macro


	move.w	(a4)+,d0	; get minx
	move.w	(a5)+,d1	; get maxx

	cmp.w	d0,d1		; error check
	bmi.b	finished4\@

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	lsr.w	#5,d4		; get first long word
	lsl.w	#2,d4		; *4 = number of bytes
	adda.w	d4,a0		; add x offset to scanline

	lea	PLANESIZE(a0),a1
	lea	PLANESIZE(a1),a2
	lea	PLANESIZE(a2),a3

	move.w	d0,d4		; copy minx
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	lsr.l	d4,d2		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	move.w	d1,d4		; copy maxx
	moveq.l	#-1,d3		; start mask, $ffffffff
	andi.w	#$1f,d4		; minx mod 31 = shift count
	neg.w	d4		; - d4
	add.w	#31,d4		; d4 = 31 - d4
	lsl.l	d4,d3		; shift mask by d4 pixels

	lsr.w	#5,d0		; get start long word
	lsr.w	#5,d1		; get end   long word
	sub.w	d0,d1		; get width in long words
	bne.b	doublewrite4\@	; check for single write
; single write
	and.l	d2,d3		; combine left and right masks
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	bra.b	finished4\@
	or.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	or.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	subq.w	#2,d1		; subtract left and right writes
	bmi.b	writeright4\@	; don't do a multiwrite
; multiwrite\@
	moveq.l	#-1,d2		; $ffffffff
	move.l	d2,(a0)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a1)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a2)+	; set
	move.l	d2,(a3)+	; set
	dbra	d1,multiloop4\@
	or.l	d3,(a0)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a1)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a2)		; set
	or.l	d3,(a3)		; set
	add.l	d5,d6		; go to next scanline
	movea.l	d6,a0		; copy ptr to modify
	dbra	d7,scanloop4\@	; d7 = yheight-1.

	movem.l	(sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5



	CNOP	0,4	; longword align for 020/030 speed

	dc.l	color0
	dc.l	color1
	dc.l	color2
	dc.l	color3
	dc.l	color4
	dc.l	color5
	dc.l	color6
	dc.l	color7
	dc.l	color8
	dc.l	color9
	dc.l	color10
	dc.l	color11
	dc.l	color12
	dc.l	color13
	dc.l	color14
	dc.l	color15

fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0