[comp.sys.amiga.programmer] How to get my A3000 to paly sounds

cpnfs@marlin.jcu.edu.au (Neil F Squires) (06/03/91)

Hello I am writing a program on my A3000 and want to play some
sound samples in it. The problem is that I have the Easy-sound
play routines but when I complie and run them they won't make
a sound. 
   I am running Wb 37.33 and Ks 37.74. The compiler is SasC 5.10a
and the only thing I can think of is the compiler headers say I 
should be passing the BeginIO a requestIO structure and the
program is passing it a IOA structure.
   Has anybody come across the same problem? I have followed all
the examples in my books, which are the same as the Easy-sound
example, and still get deafening silence.

  Thanks in advance


cpnfs@groper.jcu.edu.au           You lock the door
squires@fantome.jcu.edu.au        And throw away the key
"greetings from the tropical      There's someone in my head
 north"                            but it's not me