[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PC-VCR by NEC

mark@calvin..westford.ccur.com (Mark Thompson) (01/08/91)

In article <4343@mindlink.UUCP> a763@mindlink.UUCP (Scott Busse) writes:
>I heard that the
>PC-VCR from NEC was *not* single frame accurate, but that it was accurate
>withing 4 or 6 frames or something,and that NEC was working on getting it more
>accurate. Anyone from NEC out there with the bottom line on this?   Any info

I don't have the bottom line on the frame accuracy, but I do know that
even if it is accurate to one frame (which is what I have heard), it
is not built to be suitable for single frame animation.
%       `       '                Mark Thompson                          %
%  --==* RADIANT *==--           mark@westford.ccur.com                 %
%       ' Image `                ...!{decvax,uunet}!masscomp!mark       %
%      Productions               (508)392-2480  (603)424-1829           %
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