[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Aliasing the old newsgroups

news@nixpbe.sni.de (Martin Boening) (01/10/91)

Hi there,

the comp.sys.amiga reorg seems to be finished. comp.sys.amiga and
comp.sys.amiga.tech are supposed to disappear, right? What should they
be aliased to and when will the rmgroup-messages be issued ?

Thanx for any serious answer,
Martin Boening            | Tel. (+49) 5251 146155
SNI AG, Dept. STO SI 355  | FAX  (+49) 5251 146105
Paderborn                 | Email: mboening.pad@nixdorf.com (The Americas)
Germany                   |        mboening.pad@sni.de      (elsewhere)