[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Need help connecting 2090 to 3000

gt1619a@prism.gatech.EDU (Net Runner Mark V) (01/11/91)

	Can anyone tell me how to use a 2090 controller with hard-disk in my

	I've got the drive powered up and connected to the card properly, and
the card is properly placed in one of the slots. However, no matter how I try,
I can't mount format or otherwise install the hard-disk I've just plugged in.
The weird thing is that if I boot kickstart and 2.0 of of disk rather than the
hard-drive, and then run the HDToolbox utility, it says, as it starts up:
	"checking xt.drive unit 0"
	It then says the same thing for xt.drive unit 1. Now, it doesn't do 
this when the card's not there. After all, without the 2090, the seagate drive
won't work, right? 

	So, here's the problem: HDToolbox then runs and refuses to recognize
the drive plugged into the 2090. I seem to be able to mount RES0:, but I'm not
sure whether it's actually writing to the drive (I don't think it is). Trying
to make a partition for the drive on the 2090 just gives a system error.
	No guru, no crash (under 2.0), and no funny colored blinking screens,
the thing just ignores (sort of) the drive.

	Any ideas... guys at Commodore?!

James McIninch
Applied Biology (Molecular)


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